Apologies if someone has already posted this or if it is old news to everyone but Australia...
Apologies if someone has already posted this or if it is old news to everyone but Australia...
Your boyfriend eats pizza with a fork? How does that work exactly?
Tigerlily has lost her mother, her father and now her sister...
Matthew McConaughey writes her material though, right?
and the clothes; never forget the clothes
than a woman who has never experienced sexual assault, harassment, or fear.
To quote someone else further up the page, "Context, its all about context"
As an actor, I don't think Leto has the power to decide how a character is portrayed.
ok, so I looked it up and I still don't get it. What's the chicken part?
I'm sorry, think me as dumb as you like but wtf is chicken fired steak? Is it chicken or beef?
I so agree with your post. Nobody has to have cancer to get my permission to run a marathon wearing anything or nothing, I don't care. You are running a marathon and that gives you complete authority to do it any which way you can. Running a marathon!
ok, one dimensional medium and all that... I'm just furious with this ad and extra furious that the company is getting accolades for it being so great. And my dumb fuck construction worker comment in my OP was directed at the commercial.
I'm not making any of those assumptions. My experience has taught me that men in groups atop of buildings will behave badly. Individually many of those men are probably great guys but together those great guys mostly seem unable to assert themselves and go along with the pervasive culture.
I disagree that its better than nothing. I think its taking the piss about serious issues that affect women.
enlightened commentary? Surely you jest!
I can't make sense of the ad and what they consider to be good behaviour and what they consider to be bad behaviour. Because it all seems pretty bad to me.
Have the catcalling as a symptom of hunger yeah but then what about their post snickers behaviour being all about calmly sitting on their milk crates, eating their lunches, discussing between themselves the football and how great their wives/girlfriends are.
Two sides to the same coin? More like the exact same side. You forget the, "Hey gorgeous, how about a kiss" and when told to fuck off, "Yeah well, you're ugly anyway".
I agree. Its not dirty its threatening. I hope they choke on their fucking snickers.
Dumb fuck construction not being themselves would be them doing the jobs and not noticing women walking past. The women in the ad look as harassed and self conscious as women always do when shouted at by strangers and mocking women by conflating serious issues is arsehole behaviour.