
so Spade called a Spade isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? ok if you bought into that shit and thought you’d do a bit of gate-keeping on the side, good on ya.  Parents must be very proud...

You know you’ve just published a total piece of crap, don’t you Joan? Aren’t you embarrassed someone you know might read it? Oh and a heads up? Betrothed doesn’t mean what you think it means.

what does gender appropriate dress for a child look like? You’re really only talking about gender conforming or reinforcing gender stereotyping through the wearing of a uniform.

get the fuck off that dolphin. Dolphins are not stuffed toys.

No, its not hard to feel sorry for someone shot for being a thief; trans or no. When things are deemed important enough to kill for and there are people willing to excuse murder over theft, there’s something wrong.

Its not the responsibility of victims of sexual assault to educate or advocate.

Yeah racism is a one way street. The power differential guarantees that.

You and everyone else knows why the use of the word fanny makes all us Australians giggle don’t you?

The kookie Mini-me as her choice of representation is way more distracting than her own image could ever be

Until I read this, I didn’t know this was a thing. I thought it was just my version of night terrors.

I have them, at some points of my life its been nearly every night; now, hardly ever. For me the overiding awareness is not of the paralysis but the intense fear and the knowing there is something evil (at the time its as if I know its the devil) pressing down on me that will probably kill me. As I’ve got older there

Where does it say that pregnant women should be held to a higher standard?

I don’t believe shes hate her bangs. They (and us) call it a fringe. Not fringes, a fringe. There is no “Royal Insider” telling anyone Kate hates her bangs. I call complete bullshit.

knew it!

Is that count stuck to someone’s big, brown arse?

Pride? Karl? You’re talking about the wrong idiot.

trying to gouge a multinational is psychopathic behaviour? Baa Baa

Why suddenly is everyone so keen to protect the huge profit-making corporation? Let them protect their own leaching arses and leave the person willing to work so hard to cadge a freeby to it. Its not like a free coffee is going to affect the multinationals bottom line or the workers, for that matter.

‘cept, you know that a schooner is a beer size in Australia, right?