
She does look gaunt but she wont when her body redistributes itself in response to her weight loss. Most of the men who have won have looked exactly the same and nobody seems to have anything negative to say. She has won herself $250,000 and lost a lot of weight. Her life re-starts from now and she can do whatever

Its not about developing athletes, even though the show has become a showcase for gym equipment, its about losing weight and the way they do that on this show is to restrict their calorific intake to 1000 calories per day.

I dont understand why people get so invested in this sort of stuff. All these 'open letters' that get shared from blogs and wherever and end up posted on pop news sites seem either inane, irrelevant or fake and I'm particularly puzzled by those mega-shared from the mummy blogs. This is one I've recently read and

yes, she definitely worships at the altar of any-attention-is-good-attention

He knows you are having a nightmare because he put it there. That's what cats do.

I agree and it would be a much better system if all universities had the exact same policies, as long as they were effective and appropriate of course.

And not to mention that all you need is boobs to totally skew your BMI.

All those Maine's were a bit tricky though.

Transgender aside, I'll agree with ungendered toilet stalls and bathrooms when all men learn that toilets are provided so you don't have to spray pee anywhere else, if you shave over a basin its not ok to leave whisker bits stuck all over the place and if your hands are really dirty and you use the soap? Wash the

I dont get this facebook friending thing. Why would you friend your boss? Why wouldn't you immediately unfriend them if you left their employ? People you met in a bathroom? Does no-0ne have boundaries anymore or care about privacy and online footprints at all?

but what's it an ad for?

Yes! Covers would be sooo much better.

What? Those recycled sexy lady lyrics (thanks Lionel Richie) don't give you heat in your you-know-where?

Yeah he's a great dancer and he has a good sound but his lyrics are crap.

And you know what else? He has a father! First mention I've ever heard of his dad; Jeremy Bieber

hmmm... More upset? No, I don't think so. Differently but not more.

To be fair though, Noel Gallagher really, really fucking hates everything.

You are not a little bit uncomfortable with Jez has transforming the sexual abuse of a student into a jaw dropping click magnet? Hands up anyone who dropped their jaw at the result? Anyone?

Really? There is some sort of measuring that makes recording a person's conversation equivalent to child abuse?

Since when do laws 'protect' anyone. Laws can't make people do the right thing. The only role laws play is to punish an offender after the fact.