
The $10,000 bounty suggests that the photos were too traditionally beautiful to represent a run-o-the-mill girl like Lena and must be grossly touched up. What does that say? We support 'ordinary' looking girls as long as they don't dare tip over into the traditionally beautiful. I am very very confused by this.

Nickname? Krim? Its not going to go well, is it?


Yeah but Erin's article proves his point. He has good reason to worry about what people might think if its then splattered over the internet as him being a sexuality depraved lonely fuck.

What a big boy you are. You want to make her cry at night? You, alone is not everybody.

Its a cape and, beautiful though it might front on, from the back it looks like she has thrown the picnic rug on.

The bust on that dress is awful. In fact the whole thing is horrible.

It looks like she had the good sense to not design her own dress this time.

The pointy bits are because the top doesn't fit properly.

'cept she accessorised with that grumpy face. She doesn't want to be there, does she?

I didn't realise this photo was a big deal until all the headlines told me it was. had a sensational leader along the lines of 'Why has this photo outraged?' implying there was something criminal or sinister going on.

It makes no ''sense' for you to twist a discussion on how cruelly overweight people are treated into something about economics. If your conclusion was to make any sense at all, smaller people would be charged less but none of that would reduce the vitriol spewed at and about overweight people for entertainment,

A pop song about a relationship making a 'serious statement'? That thing does not exist. She's Beyonce. Twelve year olds will be singing it.

If getting himself off the register is reliant on his rehabilitation, I'd say he's going to be on that thing for a long time. I'm surprised even he has been released without completing his full sentence if he is still not admitting to or acknowledging his crime.

You're just too sensitive for this world, aren't ya? If this is angsting you out, wait til you read about some of the real evil happening around the place.

You wrote,

You don't really get how Karma works, do you?

You have no idea if they haven't discussed, agreed and actioned everything on your How-To-Be-A-Good-Monogamist list. Just because its in the papers doesn't tell you it was the sneaky, underhand act you are assuming it was.

I don't care; there is no category of person I want sitting next to me on a plane unless they are a very small woman, with no hand luggage who is frightened of me. I give everyone a mean, mumbly look when they sit next to me. I have never used an armrest either because I dont want to fight someone for it and I

C'mon, he's playing a character and the interview and consequent suspension is just part of the script. You've all played into A&E's dastardly plan and assigned yourselves bit parts. Why aren't we laughing? He's a character with no power and constantly makes a fool of himself. No-one is taking anything he says