
the thing is, you probably wont be sacked for what you say but for how it is received and the reaction to it. If a dickhead duck says something inflammatory and no-one responds to it, did he really say it?

I did not. I did not. I. Did. Not. Fart that is...

You know we don't call a koala a bear anymore, don't you? Like Cher, they now have one name only :)

I'm sorry, I'm not even one of her kids and I'm laughing so hard I'm snorting. All it took was all those "quotes", cos you know she does them in the air, all.the.time. and I was rolling on the floor. But isn't slap stick supposed to be funny?

I have been really troubled by all the commentary around Kanye and I think your assessment of his POV seems most likely. I'm not a black male and have no insight into how the see themselves in the world but your comments gave me opportunity to read what he has said in a different and much more generous light. Thanks.

You do realise that when I say laptop I mean something as small as the average novel and airlines like Jetstar and Virgin offer ipads as inflight entertainment on some routes?

yet, you dismiss my experiences and I fly weekly for my work. Rather than waste the three and a half hour flying time on reclining and reading a book as you so helpfully suggested, I'd like to maybe get my laptop out and do some work. But often I can't because there is not enough room to put my tray table down if

ok, yep, right, you answered my question. thanks.

so you'll tolerate sitting next to fat people if they are nice or polite? How generous of you. Fat people are allowed to be nasty too you know. Its not just skinny people who should be allowed all the fun :)

so the best idea is to probably present looking as huge and bulky as you possibly can so you are allocated more seat.

seats don't recline that much? Are you joking? When was the last time you flew domestically in any country? I have had my hand stuck between food tray and seat as a result of a reclining chair, I have not been able to put my food tray down because of a reclining chair, I have had my head smacked by a reclining chair

Why does this crap keep popping up as the lead article? Let it die, please.

Putting lipstick on a pig will not make you anything thing you aren't, ya know? Language and culture are closely intertwined and you and your vocabulary are not serving your culture well. Where are talking about and who are you talking to when you bleat about the most Republican-ish part of Sydney?

says who? She's talented, cool and gets to experiment. Who wouldn't have wanted to be her as a teenager?

and yet you post about your Australian life in US speak. Republican-ish? The N word? Liberal parents? Half Chinese? You are trying waaay too hard to fit in, IMO. Which half, by the way?

There's a whole nother dynamic around who does the inviting. I know a lot of men who would read something else into a woman inviting them on a date and then paying for that date.

All good reasons to avoid marriage altogether IMO

I don't understand the comparison with the adult rape victim and the abuse of an 8 year old. Are we accepting that all abuse is the same now?

Rebel did the celebrity spokesperson for weight loss once but wasn't very good at it so to get her weight off and keep it off would be a coup for another company in the eyes of those that worship at the altar of weight loss for money. Remaking her, Fat Actress style, has car crash written all over it and who could

I don't think there is an easy answer to this. Both options have short and long term medical, emotional, social and financial consequences. I think its a difficult decision for a judge either way. It does point to the fact though, that we need to do more to protect teenagers from being in a position where these