I'm not sure if this post is tongue in cheek but...
I'm not sure if this post is tongue in cheek but...
And you could whip them to make them go faster or maybe starve them and put food at the winning post. And then, the ones that don't put in a good showing or get injured, shoot them; there's no value in continuing with a broken down baby.
and that's the bit you and all those other perfectly nice blokes, I'm sure, are not understanding.
What are you on about? Plenty of males spend all night and a whole lot of cash trying to get women drunk so they can have sex with them.
Its a sexual assault problem perpetuated, in the main, by men on women
implied but not obvious to plenty of men
and 3) winningest :)
I think the quote from El Universal has been placed in the article out of context. Without the quote, the piece reads appropriately.
Filmed 24/7 or not, people who still say those type of things publicly, do it because they believe they have the world on their side and they are saying things everyone else would if they had the balls to do it.
I dont wear or even own makeup but I'm no free face protestor, its just not something that's part of my life. If I ever think about it, I'm not thinking about myself sans makeup but others and how the compulsive wearing of makeup binds, restricts and controls their time, their wallets and their focus. Sunblock, now…
I'm trying to imagine the girls only party. Will the birthday boy be sat upon a throne with all the girls in fairy dresses dancing around him? Or will he move among them bestowing a kiss here, a compliment there, a pat on the bottom wherever? With those parents, that boy's future looks bright.
but why does she look so sad?
Well maybe we need to disagree because here, in WA, I've never known it to be acceptable common usage by those not identifying with the tag. I'm also not familiar with Skip or Skippy so maybe it is a regional thing.
Why do you and many other commentators here assume that being married is or should be some sort of deterrent? These guys are not coyly suggesting they want to date you; they are harassing you.
Its all about the power behind the threat. What they are reminding you of is, I will fuck you if and when I want to.
Why say anything in reply? For a lot of these guys any attention is good attention so, IME, no attention at all usually does the trick.
Well, in Australia, its not a racial slur until its used as a racial slur. Its one of those words though re-claimed by a community to name themselves, when used by others, is still insulting.
From what I have read, the prosecutors did not make their case. If that is so, those white women you are all bagging, did their job well.
Um, the 'spotting' is not just from wee. And the leg holes are probably there so he can still get a finger in and give it a reassuring tickle every now and then.
This is not what I know to be true either. Tipsy means tipsy (unless its used sarcastically) and wasted means wasted. I've never known there to be gender bias in getting completely off your trolley.