
or cool drink even

It is totally relevant. The race of both the victim and the perpetrator feed into the possibility of conviction and the consequent punishment.

racist or elitist?

and yet the anti-abortion law would have allowed a woman to die before allowing her to abort a foetus that was killing her. Ironic huh?

I don't understand how he can be a supporter of an anti-abortion law and yet sanction execution.

She is also a leader and responsible for providing a safe work place for everyone she has working for her. There are industrial relations law that make it illegal for her to do and say what she has. Most people understand that, regardless of your personal opinions or idiosyncrasies, standards in the workplace are

She still doesn't get it does she? Where's her management or someone who can at the very least coach her through an apology or even an interview. Even if she doesn't mean it, she could try the 'ol fake it til you make it thing and maybe things wouldn't continue to slide into that hole she continues to dig for

Why isn't the duck wearing a shark costume? There's something not right about this.

I don't reckon Miranda and Orlando spend enough time in the same city to be talking about what they would do in a normal, domestic situation. And I also don't believe either of them have to make common decisions around the home other than whether to employ some more help.

And are we sure this 'Anne Rice' really is on Paula's side? Seems to be sticking the boots in with, "older, overweight, unwise, crude, ignorant woman", doncha think? Who needs enemies and all that...

Teasing cats is how you play with them. They love it.

Oh my, that is just trying waaay too hard

I have tried the furiously kicking the keyboard method of authoring and, let me tell you, it never ends well; not for you, your reading audience, the keyboard or the rabbit.

I'm surprised they could get their anger under control for long enough to actually get anything down on paper.

What's with those crazy lady drawn on eyebrows?

Watership Downs wasn't fiction? Really?

@ DeccaLeChat I really like your first paragraph and I hope you don't mind if I steal it for future use. We have had some recent issues here in Australia with commentators causing great offence by doing just that; going for the joke (not very funny ones either) no matter the subject.

See that's the thing, while its a very distasteful advert, the word root in Australia can mean very different things in different contexts and, like a lot of slang is hard to translate effectively. So yes, to have a root or to root someone is to have sex (not rape by the way) but, if something is rooted it means it

Oh ya, very funny :)

Yeah, there might be a stipend of some sort but you don't usually get paid as a volunteer