
Enjoyed reading this, but you should watch more X-Files if you remember it as “completely jokeless”. Look for episodes that were written by Darin Morgan.

Can’t fire someone who’s never been hired (long-term)! I’m assuming he’s freelance but hope to see more from him on here.

“Hey Todd, this heartfelt essay connecting a pivotal moment in American pop culture to your family history and the town you grew up in: any chance you could make it a slideshow?”

I love a personal essay, especially about pop culture.

This was rather good, so I expect AVC to fire Todd within the next few weeks.

I would 100% like more articles like this, please.

This is the best thing I have read from the AV Club in a long, long time. Beautiful, heartbreaking essay!

Thats the thing about the Coachella demographic, You’ve got to remember that these are just simple influencers. These are people of Social Media . The common clay of the new Internet ... You know... morons.

why not try something along the lines of...

All I know is that the AV Club is impossible to browse on a phone.

I teach a class in information literacy and research skills at the college level. I have to do a whole series of readings and discussions that emphasize over and over again that your belief does not trump actual facts. Just because you believe in something does not make it real. I’ve had students get very hostile, and

any of ‘em get throwed out of places?

I mean no offense to anyone, it’s just that I’m a special kind of asshole who thinks he’s better than other people.”

I ain’t drunk. But they throwed me off the plane ’cause I’m drunk”

“I refuse to sit next to someone who is considerate enough to wear a mask in public.  I mean, what kind of twisted freak tries to limit the spread of contagions to others?  Who does that?”

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

Wasn’t a thing at the AVC at the time. Everyone wanted to Anne Fapaway.

I got a Community notification for this!