
Oh, this is fucking awesome. WELCOME BACK, UNDERCOVER!

Say what you will about how diet and fitness have evolved over time, but Richard Simmons was the rare gem that actually gave a crap about actually helping folks get healthy and happy. Sweatin to the Oldies and all his videos/ specials were filled with real people who were there to get active in whatever way they could

I’m not sure if shitting on the Oatmeal these days is still an unpopular take, but yeah it never was very good. It’s mostly just ill-informed “um actually” and smug punching down and sideways

If it feels like its dragging and everyone hopes it ends as soon as it can, then it actually got the essence of the game pretty well.

> unicorns (or “ponies with face boners,” as he calls them)

can we please just stop with the I.P. barrel-scraping? last year we had a movie about a Doritos flavour; i’m not convinced anyone was demanding a movie based on a meme art game.

Man, remember this shit used to be on Newgrounds for free?

Spike Lee angrily tweets New Zealand address of singer Lorde...

“Bernie is dead, you morons! Just because he’s wearing sunglasses he looks alive? Ugh How long is this weekend anyway?” - Elaine Benes

I saw Weekend at Bernie’s ages ago as a little kid, but whenever it’s brought up I always think about when it was referenced on It’s Always Sunny and Dennis’s musings on the movie:

Well if this and Night of the Comet are all you have seen her in, check out The Last Starfighter from 1984!

I’m a little surprised this movie didn’t make more money. I remember Bernie and Batman being up at the movie theatre for pretty much the entirety of the summer of 89. 

I think that, coupled with being the only movie with this exact premise, is the reason for its longevity. This was exactly the sort of thing that young kids wanted to see, but weren’t able to see in the theatre.

No, that’s the next Knives out movie, Wake Up Dead Man

>But there is so much going on to bloat Weekend At Bernie’s
>that it never achieves the fizzy quality of either of these projects.

> Richard’s early subplot about not having his own apartment, for instance, doesn’t go anywhere important enough to justify its inclusion in the film and ends up as filler.

“I was looking at my watch/ “I’m blind” is the funniest line in the history of cinema. I will consider dying on this hill.

If they resurrect Sean O'Neal, I'm going to have a coronary. The good kind.

i’m throwing my bra at my laptop over here!

First a Rabin My World Of Flops article, then a Will Harris Random Roles piece, and now an Ignatiy review? Whatever year we’ve time traveled to, let’s stay there please.