
Yeah, that’s a real Ron Donald Don’t.

Don’t cry for me, sizzle chest!

The last two changes replace an opening single quotation mark with an apostrophe.

But where are Busy and Amanda?

’Twas ever thus.

The headline omits the word “current,” which was in the question actually being answered.

It is definitely an unexpected treat to see another Will Harris Random Roles. This was a delightful read.

This feature was undoubtedly a highlight of the recent AV Club years. Even though a lot of the covered movies were ones that I hadn’t seen, I always loved reading these articles. One of the reasons I started coming to this site was to read insightful and enthusiastic discussions of art outside my typical tastes, and

Story checks out.

I thought that I had all I needed with the cut of Letterman asking every band if their drums were rentals.

And to think, the AV Club had Myles McNutt around for years, just waiting for an iconically Nova Scotian story like this.

Yeah, I’m all alone. I’m rolling a big doughnut and this snake wearing a vest . . .

That incident was also covered on Wiki Wormhole one time:

I wouldn’t discount Pee-wee’s ability to research a complicated legal matter. He did come prepared for the big meeting with over 217 bits and pieces of information.

‘Twas ever thus.

You’re thinking of the Sourtoe Cocktail of Dawson City, Yukon.  (It’s easier to lose a toe to frostbite there.)

You can read Erik’s reviews of the first two seasons from this site’s TV Club Classic days:

This Halifax-born boy would suggest that you skip the part of the lesson that tells you Nova Scotia is an island.  The rest is good, though.

Wait, was E. Buzz Miller involved in any way?  Not again!

I mean, it’s either this one or The Melvins giving out ice cream.