
This article would have been a great place to link to Sharon Van Etten’s wonderful contributions to the A.V. Undercover series, if this web site properly maintained its content.

If this post doesn’t bring Matthew back to the comments, nothing will.

Lock that door.

I wouldn’t hold out too much hope for additional sports coverage on the A.V. Club. Teti has been blessing us with Block & Tackle since 2014 without it leading to wider sports focus on the site. Still, even without a broader mandate, at least we have a reliable source of encouragement to keep on long snappin’.

Can I be of . . . assistance?

This is getting very abstract, but thank you: I do enjoy working at the bowling alley.

I’ve smoked them several times, following the recipe from Wicked Good Barbecue with whatever sausage looked most interesting at my local butcher. I highly recommend that approach.

No worries. This is one of the site features that has helped set the tone for the Gameological/AV Club game section community for many years. Once you get a feel for what the feature is meant to be, you might enjoy checking in or contributing. Or you can skip past it if that doesn’t catch your fancy.  Either way,

I think you missed the intro to this feature:

Every Friday, A.V. Club staffers kick off our weekly open thread for the discussion of gaming plans and recent gaming glories, but of course, the real action is down in the comments, where we invite you to answer our eternal question: What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Good news: Unlike the History of Violence or Age of Heroes features, this series jumps around the years; and there was a Down With Love write-up a few entries back.

Wait, was that mini golf one a kids book? I gave that to my wife one Christmas.

The only full-album performance I saw was the Slayer tour where they played a regular set and followed it up with the entirety of Reign In Blood as an encore. That show ruled, obviously.

So its really true that Im-a Wario and Im-a gonna win!

For the love of God, igotlickfootagain!

We have a saying around here: “Get used to it, Hitler.”

Alas! If only former AV Club commenting mainstay Claudia Kishi BSC V-P was still with us at this historic moment.

Yup, that’s a perfect example.