
This was the house.

Who says they can’t write well? That’s some AAA trolling right there.

Sandor “The House” Clegane is my favorite character.

Ah yes, who could forget that much beloved Game of Thrones character, the House.

This is the worst such incident since the “Brando has dank balls” fiasco of 1959!

How is this a thing though?
By all accounts, 80% of the room was reacting the same way to 80% of Jo’s jokes, so why this?

The joke was bad not because it was offensive, but because it was delivered poorly. There is in fact far too much Swift in the world right now. (I’m trying to figure out how to adapt Abe Simpson’s “please eliminate three” without sounding like an asshole.. too early to figure it out).  I mean it has be exhausting for

+1 for referring to Meryl Streep as “that gal”.

I am mad at myself for reading this article. 

maybe she was unamused because jo koy’s joke sucked ass? maybe she wasn’t listening? maybe she was bored just like everybody else there?

Honestly, god help anyone who says ANYTHING about her if we’re referring to that Jo Koy joke as “cringe-worthy.” It was not a good joke. It was barely a joke. But my goodness, is it being blown so absurdly out of proportion. “Taylor Swift is dating an NFL star and gets shown on TV a bunch.” Oh, what a diss to Tay-Tay.

I mean, he wasn’t good. His delivery made it seem like even HE didn’t believe in the material. But that said, it’s freaking crazy how people are upset over the Taylor Swift joke, which was WILDLY inoffensive. It was genuinely just about the most kid-gloves “barb” possible.

He’s a working comic. If you follow the industry you know him. But I put him in the same class as, say, Salvo Maniscalco, where like, he’s making bank, always working crowded rooms, clearly successful at his craft, you may have seen random clips of him floating around online, but your average person doesn’t know who

They completely glossed over the fact that the outrage bait isn’t what’s bad, it’s that he’s just so fucking unfunny and desperate for people to approve of him it’s beyond cringey. Anyone who genuinely enjoys his work should be listened to with a full pound of salt

Beyond the people in the room, yes. The morning after, reddit and facebook were falling over themselves to praise him for showing those Hollywood bigwigs what’s what. Heck, Tom Hanks’ grimace was the thumbnail for the very popular youtube clip of the monologue.

“Outrage bait is bad.”

This made me laugh! Alex’s response to inanity (some of the contestant’s personal anectdotes) was a mental “I’m just going to slowly back away from that...” Perhaps that part of Trebek was the essence of Norm Macdonald’s SNL version of Trebek?

This is crazy. Have you ever watched either of them? Ken’s interaction with the contestants is much better than Mayim’s. After a contestant tells a personal anecdote, Ken will respond with a witty or thoughtful comment. Mayim invariably laughs and responds “That’s great!” She’s slow to confirm answers, and can’t stop

I miss the golden age of A.V. Club when comments like these were commonplace.