
Thank you, when they mentioned him walking out of a Marc Maron interview I was waiting for the link to him shouting at the avclub’s own David Wolinsky.

And who can forget the AVClub’s own infamous interview with him, back when it was known for such things:

it’s cringe as fuck, but I’m happy that Dolly and Rob Halford seemed to be having a good time.

Don’t you guys have some sort of Lizz-eh up there?

Or lot’s of people were forced back into the office (kicking and screaming). The idea that things changed because people were clamoring to return to the workplace is a WSJ fantasy. 

I can empathize with Zuck here, because I often fire people after I make mistakes at work. I’m not even the boss, but obviously somebody has to go when I fuck up and it’s certainly not going to be me.

I’ll be honest: before I started doing work on myself and acknowledging the hurt I had caused in the pocket pet community, I had ONE god: sunflower seeds. I would stand up on my hindlegs and stretch and leap for one of those things. Christ, they’re like crack, but with higher cholesterol.

Great article! Surprised there was no mention of Woody Harrelson or Stephen Root, but there’s a lot to focus on here and the juxtaposition of author and filmmakers is very insightful. 

The Tommy Lee Jones bookends have always stuck with me. I’ve tried to be an optimist and lean toward there always being hope but there is this nagging feeling that the only hope we have is while dreaming.

A gimmick commentor? In this economy?

Yeah is that really what the line says?  Because that makes no sense.  Either Drake or AVClub needs an editor.  Probably both.

Grammar boner!

You’d think as a victim of fictional gun violence, Drake would be more understanding.

“Erroneous” is the legal standard at issue. It’s not a word his lawyers picked to “decry” the judgment.  The most surface-level research into legal procedure would have told you that.

AV picked it’s dignity a long time ago.

I don’t even care about that. If they’re going to pick a side, do it with some dignity. As stated above, if Amber Heard is 100% in the right and a saintly human, this headline is still dismissive and weird. 

I miss when this site would possible reconsider calling anyone involved in a domestic abuse case a ‘sore winner’. It doesn’t matter who’s in the right, the snark just seems...too flippant and casual. If Depp is in the right, this is cruel. If Depp is in the wrong ‘sore winner’ still manages to trivialize what Amber

Everybody wants something, just not Degrassi - it’s time to give up!

Maybe we can set the next Degrassi on a space station—

You didn’t miss much on TNG... Geordi pining after holographic women, Reginald Barclay pining after... holographic women. Captain Picard pining after... you know what, you get it - typical teenage drama tropes.