
lol Tommy Lee (Jones)

AV Club hasn't had nerd cred in quite some time. 

I don’t know what’s more pathetic. Being the world’s richest man and getting off on being “edgy” and “owning the libs” by spending billions of dollars so people can yell the N word in the name of “free speech”... or being a random internet commenter and admiring said rich edgelord’s boner.

If you really do get aroused by angering others, you should probably seek professional help.

What kind of world do we live in where someone like Jerry Lee Lewis can be taken from us so soon, yet Matthew Perry continues to walk around in this world?

“Regardless of motive, this isn’t the first incident of onstage violence against comedians this year.”

I’ve even done my part by stealing your moves!

It’s like my efforts to shame them into improving have all been for naught

for the woman who invented soaking up the sun”

It makes me happy to throw poop; so it can’t be that bad. 

I just want to remind folks that I know this article is riddled with obvious (and frankly alarming) errors, but I never itemize William Hughes pieces because A) it would be too much work to do for free, and B) it’s not worth having to read the godawful thing itself and try to suss out whatever half-assed point or joke 

Good for her, I wish her well. She’s kind of at the end of that show’s stepping stones anyway so maybe after a good rest she’ll find something saner and more rewarding.

That's true. And with no job, there's plenty of time to shitpost. 

yeah, but you’re not in the greys. can’t buy that.

While it’s a passing moment in the music video, the message remains pretty clear: For thin people like Swift, being considered fat is terrifying, and a damning thing in a society that still lauds thinness as a marker of beauty.

I’m usually sympathetic to stuff like this, but the barest bit of reading comprehension or context being applied ans the rationale for offence falls apart short of “I would desperately like to be angry about this.”

This is one of the most obnoxious, bloodthirsty, self-righteous articles I’ve read on here. This almost rivals the Ellie Kemper fiasco for ‘AV Club author desperately reaches to impugn artist’s character’ vibes.

This looks great, but it’s funny in the exact same lowkey-but-arch way Anderson’s stuff is already funny.

When Edward Norton hosted SNL just before Halloween in 2013, they did “The Midnight Coterie of Sinister Intruders”, with every Anderson regular being trapped in an home invasion horror movie.