
Wasn’t it obvious? Put her in the Metal category, duh.

Because internet people are friggen weird!

“Masterson would be unfairly viewed in a negative light simply for belonging to it”

Only OT III and above is allowed to participate in the jury

Well yeah, Cobra Kai is WAY more realistic. HotD and RoP have elves, dwarves, dragons, magic, castles, Saurons(maybe?), hobbits, court intrigue, etc... People can’t get invested in that kind of thing because they never see them in real life.

Its just a shame to think of all the gay, 600lb actors who lost out on this role.

Daemon and Vaemond’s moment wasn’t scripted either. Matt Smith just saw a sword lying around and said why the fuck not?

I think we can all agree that we want the movie in slideshow format.  

Is it too late to get Bob Hoskins or Lou Albano back to do Mario’s voice? *checks notes* Oh... oh no.

The important thing is there’s a scene where a human and non-human character look at eachother and scream; and a scene where they converse in a car.

“It’s-a me, Elizabeth! I’m-a coming to join you! Ya-HOO!”

“It’s-a Cardiac Arrest!”

Just as long as the characters get biz-zay, consistently and thoroughly.

Mojo Nixon. And if it doesn’t have Mojo Nixon then this movie could use some fixin’.

I want a scene where a bizarre event occurs and the characters respond with “So, that just happened.” That’s hilarious and never gets old!

I just want a training montage in which the characters comment they're in a training montage. 

I’m-a gonna win! 

Look, all I want from this movie is Smash Mouth’s “All-Star” playing over the closing credits.

“Wario, if he appears, may fart.”- The last words of Queen Elizabeth the Second.