Had the same thought. Immediately figure there is something more to this - likely a provision in the contract to the effect that the amenities this guy is frustrated about could be reduced/terminated somehow.
Had the same thought. Immediately figure there is something more to this - likely a provision in the contract to the effect that the amenities this guy is frustrated about could be reduced/terminated somehow.
Serious question. Is there a cars and coffee that doesn’t result in a crash/near crash?
fantastic video. Wrong side of the state. We’re not Detroit!
from Ohio. not sure how else to respond.
As a Wings fan who lives in the 312, fuck the Hawks.
I would have had the same reaction as them. haha. I didn’t pack that stuff and can’t do anything about it other than laugh at the absurdity.
any chance you can snag a screen shot/photo of the altered camera angle?
I seem to recall a successful rescue/capture in the historical novel Hunt for the Red October.
You could also say that is not how sailing boats work. The main sail would have been luffing when the pirate boat overtook it (E.g. the pirate sails would have been blocking most of the wind).
Misleading headline is misleading. Dude checked out without even running a mile. Something tells me it wasn’t the delicious fried food he had that day which was his undoing.
Also, all of you that are calling this out and asking why this is a thing - as ask you - do you do anything wacky and wild for fun?
that is a deal breaker. find a new SO
Youth hockey, but a real game. I think it happened when I was playing bantam - meaning 13 or 14 years old.
I still recall the time a winger rocked me into the boards as I went to retrieve a puck that had been dumped into my zone. I could barely stand up, let alone skate in a straight line back to the bench. People told me I looked drunk trying to skate (more like fall down repeatedly) back to the bench.
That is not how competitive teams work. If it was an all comers team sure. But I suspect people were cut / not allowed on this team. In such a scenario, you either make the cut, or you don’t.
Prob not. But that doesn’t mean my statement if incorrect.
Talk about a crappy situation. If you don’t let the sickle cell kid on the team due to his illness you’ll be vilified and possibly sued.
I fear nothing.... except that one day the world will run out of hot dogs.
I’m a bit sad you didn’t also reference the jet snow blowers:
Growing tired of that argument. If my nation’s capital gets this level of snow year after year (even only on one or two days per year) eventually the expection becomes the city learns how to deal with it. As it stands now each year people act as if its the first time they’ve seen snow. Yet this is the fourth or fifth…