Yeah, I'd say that's the thing though. We know shit is fucked. But somewhere, in OK no less, the system worked and put a serious dickbag behind bars. It's a celebration!
Yeah, I'd say that's the thing though. We know shit is fucked. But somewhere, in OK no less, the system worked and put a serious dickbag behind bars. It's a celebration!
Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House in 1995.
The link to the Des Moines Register includes a picture of someone holding a baby/fetus replica. The reason I’m not sure if it’s a baby or a fetus is because the caption reads, emphasis mine,“Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina looks on as Jenifer Bowen with Iowa Right to Life holds up an example of a 26-mon…
They were also required to hire an “anti-profiling consultant.”
I think he’s just 11 year old boy-ing at a high level, but thank you.
You are parenting at a very high level, clearly. Good work.
My son and I were watching cartoons over breakfast the other day, and Bratz were being heavily advertised. One ad had them posing with selfie sticks, small dogs and, like, Kylie Jenner lip kits. The next had them accessorised for studying abroad in Russia, with impressively upholstered boots and “secret jewels” hidden…
“Cloe”? Really? No “h”?
*Cultural appropriation accessories not included.
This was my thought too. Sarah Palin has insisted that well trained gun owners should be able to have access to guns. But she can’t deny that her children had good training, and spent their lives hunting (or she would have to say that she was a bad gun owner). He was in the military and got even MORE training. And…
at least the GOP is consistent.
And I wonder what would be the best way for veterans to get the health care they need? BY THE VERY REFORMS THAT REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR FUCKING DECADES!
We absolutely need to have better systems in place to support vets who come back from the war carrying the enormous mental, emotional, and physical scars of combat.
She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.
Read up a bit on Coddington and her influence on fashion over the past few decades (hint: not just at Vogue). Then let us know if you still want to refer to her as a “dipshit.” I’ll wait...
I know. But seriously? A 3 yr engagement??? I’m with Martha. That’s a little too long. I would get bored with waiting.
What?! Her hair isn’t damaged—this is her signature style. She has curly hair that she brushes out for a frizzy look. And her longtime partner is Didier Malige, who is basically a hair god.
And like I just said elsewhere, Sanders has been in Congress since 1990. He’s part of the establishment too.
Also, someone who has been in Congress since I was in high school isn’t exactly an outsider.
I’ve been tracking Vogue’s diversity efforts and will continue to do so in my Vogue Diversity Tracker. A Vogue without Grace Coddington is a much younger and less diverse Vogue.