Jennifer Wilson

Or, you know, her too. Like most of us.

Do you live under a literal rock? HRC had 3 MILLION more votes.

More people voted for Hillary. More Floridian, Michiganders and Pennsylvanians hate themselves enough to cause this.

My husband & I argue via text. That way I still tell him all the ways he’s wrong but no Ones flight gets ruined.

Coming to say the same thing. Shame the bosses, not the dancers.

Oh. Good. Lord. You realize the comment delay is because while Lindy was at Jez the comments were full of graphic rape pictures, right? A lot of the commenters were awful.

My mom cut my hair from close to waist length to the Dorothy Hamill (yeah-I’m old) when I was about 4. They put my hair in a ponytail, braided it and cut it off and gave it to my mom who decided the best way to break the new do to my folicularly challenged Gramma was to give her the hair before she saw me. My Gram

Carrie Fisher is a best selling author without doing Han Solo. It’s part of her history too. She’s entitled to tell her story.

I’m not a Berner but he REALLY tried. I really can’t understand HOW you could be all for his campaign, then look at HRC’s only slightly different campaign and say “NOPE!”

That risotto recipe ruined my dinner party...

No. America, as a whole does not “deserve” Trump. No country deserves Trump.

Agreed. And when she was on the much ballyhooed Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, their producers reported that the only guest that was nicer than Kim was Carol Burnett. They anticipated some diva brat behavior and got lovely, patient, FUNNY and self aware instead. I’m #TeamKim

My dad grew up in East Liverpool. It was decaying 68 years ago.

I hear you & understand you on that. Weird word choice.

There’s some serious perspective for you. at least no one has hung an effigy yet..

I thought that, then listened to an interview with Dunham on Fresh Air. The joke is that they're all entitled brats (Hannah included). Once I clued in I started to find it both enjoyable AND a cautionary tale (mom to a millennial girl- I'm scared!)

It was also Jezebel that offered a bounty on Dunham’s un-retouched vogue photos. So, maybe Jezebel earned some of Dunham’s scorn?

Went to 12 years of private school. Never encountered a teacher this shitty. Private school teachers tend not to be paid as well as public school teachers & don't have Union protection, so they teach for the love of teaching & it's a lot harder to hide.

Well. If you read, the LA govenor requested Obama wait to come to the flood zone as their first responders are pretty fucking busy right now and presidential visits are kind of involved...

I have a Leiden factor V genetic mutation. Doing that could, quite literally, kill me. There's about a zillion reasons a woman may not use hormonal birth control.