Jennifer Wilson

Ah, a fellow Dorothy Hamill hair victim!!! I was also probably 4 when my mom took me in. We have pictures — I am a very smiley, happy, pony-tailed girl in the first picture, but in the last one, I’m just sitting there with one hand on each arm rest, staring into space with the Dorothy Hamill cut. It’s still

Doo eet

I really can’t understand HOW you could be all for his campaign, then look at HRC’s only slightly different campaign and say “NOPE!”

Here fucking here. This is the one part of this election I will not get over. The corrupt/crooked Hillary shit was started and perpetuated during this cycle by Bernie supporters. Fuck you all.

No they weren’t. Hillary won the primary because more people voted for her. The DNC didn’t rig it, and if Hillary was really so corrupt and great at stealing elections I’m pretty sure she would have stolen this one too and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But that isn’t how it works. The system wasn’t rigged,

Yes, a Jewish socialist would’ve won the hearts and minds of white women and rural whites this year.

I took testosterone for endometriosis and it totally fucked with my body, made me feel like absolute shit. As you may know from infertility treatments, (at least this was my experience with them,) messing with you hormones artificially can leave you feeling way worse than someone with those same hormone levels

Good decision! If she can’t appreciate them yet, she can’t have them until she can handle their awesomeness! Hopefully she will be to that place soon!

I’ve been an ardent Sanders supporter. It’s because I am a progressive that I am celebrating along with the Clinton supporters, and am I happy to call myself a Clinton supporter as well.

Truly a historic moment for the lot of us.

Quit bitching about losing and start focusing on the down ticket. The Senate is up for grabs. If they got more “Bernie” types into Congress maybe things like TPP wouldn’t reach POTUS desk. Start your revolution at the state level. Where’s all the outrage towards Kansas and the Brownback trickle down gone bad

Duly noted! Onto the Kindle wishlist it goes....

How about: Grow the fuck up, take your participation trophy and go the fuck home. I supported him, children. AND if you IN FACT actually DO support his position, run for local office and change things starting AT home. VOTE in the damn midterms. Show up and put up, but for now? SHUT UP.

Wanting to share that I have been a Bernie supporter, but I am so very proud to be voting for, and supporting Hillary Clinton. I did tear up at the end of the roll call, because I was proud that Sanders did the right thing and pledged his support to Clinton.

I’m planning to take my girls with me to vote so we can all share the moment. :)

Women and minorities have been dutifully pulling the lever for white men for decades (when they were allowed to at all) and you never heard from them even a fraction of the hysterics that Sanders supporters have been displaying during the DNC because they didn’t get their #1 choice.

To the diehard Bernie people crying in these comments and, according to my TV screen, literally crying at the convention:

YES. And I just ugly cried when she got the official nomination. Ceiling shattered.

It’s almost a sense of relief, too, like finally this will happen so I can stop wishing for it. It’s something I’ve thought about since I was a kid and first wondered to myself why only men got to be president.

Same age, same feels.

I know I’m like 10 minutes away from starting my monthly grind but I am emotionally unstable in the best way. I am sobbing again because of this woman WHO WATCHED HER MOTHER VOTE IN THE FIRST ELECTION THAT INCLUDED WOMEN and also because my own three daughters are going to witness a woman elected president of these