Jennifer Wilson

All’s fair in love, curds, and pizza.

I defended you in my own way, ya FIB.

It’s Mexican “inspired” food. It’s things that can also be found in mexican food, prepared in a not so Mexican way. And it’s freaking delicious. Before Chipotle was in Oklahoma, my buddies and I would drive to Dallas for the sole reason of eating Chipotle, that and tattoos...

Like, deep dish pizza isn’t my thing (so much gross), but the Chipotle backlash is like freaking out that Chicago style is inauthentic Italian. Of course it is. But that’s not the point, nor has it been, nor will it ever be.


PREACH. No one goes to Chipotle because they want authentic mexican food. I do not consider it Mexican food at all actually I just consider it fucking delicious.

I love me some Chipotle, and I can’t wait to leave work so I can walk through that line and build my lil burrito.

Honest question. Am I taste-blind or is this hyperbole:

I love mine too! I don’t mean to sound that judgy, and if it makes you happy then great! Mine makes me happy too! She just has such a throwaway attitude about money, I felt like I needed to share the story with internet strangers, haha.

I was talking to my MIL about how I love the nice stainless steel trashcans bc they matched my kitchen and looked nice, but that I couldn’t make myself spend more than $15 for a thing to put literal garbage and cat shit in. For Xmas I got a beautiful shiny thing with hand censors and everything retailing $200. “You

I like that it is customizeable and that they have vegetarian beans and brown rice as options. I like that if you order a vegetarian item, they waive the $2 charge for guacamole. I know the portion sizes are ridicuous, but I think that depending on what you order, it can be much less heavy/greasy than a real Mexican

To be fair, nobody asked Carly’s husband if he enjoyed spending time with her.

I can't say that I blame Madonna. I feel for her. This world is crazy. I have a 12 year-old boy and I am not super rigid but I understand the tendency to want to be especially regarding food. If I had the money and time for the kid to be microbiotic or whatever it is he would be. The other side of this is that she may

I didn’t know that an important part of the presidency was enjoying spending time with one’s spouse. Maybe someone should have told that to FDR.

Such a relevant data point. It must be her business experience that leads her to focus on the important stuff. What a great leader.

To quote my grandfather, non-watcher of sports and crotchety Detroit native:

I wonder how much of the problem would be solved if we simply discounted the importance of the Oscars? It’s really nice to acknowledged by your peers and get invited to a fancy show but perhaps we all give the Oscars too much importance?

If this season wasn’t such a shitshow, I’d applaud. But the wounds are too fresh...

Bear down, Leonardo’s bear

At the corner of happy and healthy!