To which Conan should have responded, “I don’t just insult them, either.”
To which Conan should have responded, “I don’t just insult them, either.”
I dunno, if this one guy’s good health was what kept me in a job, I’d probably in a state of concern as my default...
On behalf of ridiculous injury sufferers, I could see his accidents being just that...accidents. I dislocated my knee during catholic mass, tore a ligament in my thumb when someone grabbed my bag to help me and twisted my hand, strained my jaw eating a chocolate croissant. There is oh so much more. I don’t drink ever.
I don’t know, maybe some kind of noun that indicates my humanity? There’s this really common word that I know a lot of men are afraid to utter out loud, begins with a “w”.
Nope. It’s 99.85% effective, though that number doesn’t show the entire picture. But, 1 in 4,000 cases the vas deferens reconnect. So, really, really unlikely, but it isn’t 100% effective.
There are divas in just about anything involving actors. And also humans doing work. Most offices have a diva.
It makes me nervous when they say they are adding to the story. I’m here on and from Prince Edward Island, and we take our Anne quite seriously. Sometimes.
OMG! OMG! OMG! Breath. Repeat. Also, WTF? From Breaking Bad to Anne of Green Gables? Are the new adventures going to be in poppy?
I wish I hadn’t sunk all my moneys in Kim Davis pinafore tops. I’m never going to move these things!
There’s poking fun and then there’s being an asshole. Gervais doesn’t know where that line is.
Tina and Amy showed the world how it’s done...
not just the caitlyn jokes. also the transparent star jeffrey tambor and his little dig about eddie redmayne in women’s clothing. he was just PILING the transphobia. it isn’t funny. it isn’t clever or new. and it’s especially disheartening at a time when trans folks are finally finding some time in the spotlight. and…
George Carlin said it best. “Anything can be joked about. It depends on the CONTEXT of the joke that makes it funny. Gervais’s CONTEXT seems to be a mix of, I’m a huge asshole, and, I bought my own press and have become a pathetic caricature of myself.
He's such a dick and I don't get the appeal. Like, do people enjoy him ironically? Is it like "liking" Archie Bunker?
Does this include the Van Sustern manadatory lockjaw
As an uptight non-demonstrative WASP, you couldn’t pay me enough to be a “professional cuddler”. I would, however, reconsider this stance if Clive Owen ever needs to be cuddled, and for that there would be no charge.
If she was informed of his passing in private, and given the option to leave, but decided to continue filming, I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would be outraged? Maybe we should save our outrage for people that actually want it.
I’m willing to hold off on judging her until I hear her side of the story bizarrely retold by Sean Penn.