Jennifer Wilson

I agree that getting suddenly filthy rich won’t guarantee you happiness and may cause problems. But I’ve never found working in a boring job 8-12 hours a day to stave off poverty is any sort of spiritual Nirvana either. I would be willing to experiment with a different set of problems for awhile.

I am not defending this President, by any means, first and foremost.

Some old-school priests are jerks about it, and won't OK the church baptism of a kid that doesn't have a saint's name - either first or middle. Our second son was named Rory. Father Cool Guy said that he wasn't aware of a St. Rory, "but", he said, "there are so many tons of Irish saints, even some who were lost to

He has a real doctorate, though. It’s an Ed.D, not a Ph.D, and his thesis was bullshit (it was on using Fat Albert as a pedagogical tool), but he’s a real doctor alright.

1. The term “doctor” for an academic predates, by hundreds of years, the arrogation of the the term medical doctor by doctors. Before we had “doctors” we pretty much had physicians and surgeons, the former of which dreamt up really weird treatments, and the latter of which were regarded as grave robbers. tl; dr: The

Oh man! Now he has to make a special trip to kinkos to have his resume reprinted AGAIN??! So annoying.

We have to remember that the Catholic church split and changed many times over from the time of many of these women. Who knows what they would think of the church today.

For the working poor, as first lady there was health care advocacy, including successfully getting the SCHIP program launched, as senator she was active in benefits for veterans, she co-sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, the Homeowner Protection and Wall Street Accountability Act, I really

Well she’s been pushing them since before Warren, who I am a supporter of, was in office, so not really. And I am a fan of Bernie, but the same way that Hilary Clinton has a poor Wall Street record as a result of being a NY Senator Bernie Sanders gun control record isn’t anything to be proud of, which he says is a

I’ll start with the ones that lessen student loan burdens, help the working poor, support Planned Parenthood and other vital organizations, increase regulations where needed, and that’s just to start. Wow, that was easy

The thing is, I’m not voting for him to be a friend. I am voting for her to make policies I agree with.

“A woman claimed rape, and all sorts of things. I mean, horrible things.”

Oh, I should give a shoutout to Eva Longoria and America Ferrera for one of the only genuinely funny bits of the night.

I don’t know if there’s a gif. out there of it but Queen Latifa was laughing at her too. There was a moment when the camera cut to her right as GaGa was making those little sobbing sounds and she made a face and leaned across the table towards someone, laughing.

I’m highly Scandinavian and for some reason it actually makes my lips stand out, as opposed to most pink glosses that make them invisible. It’s weird.

I’m a sucker for the Havana dress...makes it look like I actually have boobs!

I am incredibly pale, like paper white. They look much more colorful against something akin to glowing milk.

I fell victim to the Sephora cross marketing.

God I love emerald. Not enough women wear emerald dresses to these things!

Regina King has the most amazing arms. They’re almost distracting. (I miss Southland)