
This is one of those portraits where the eyes follow you. Try it and see for yourself.

Considering the range that Capcom is content to give his light SPD, I will gladly accept him as an enemy.

I think that zombie was from House of the Dead, or at least his duel-axe wielding might've been inspired by it.

Having to input all of my information regarding the game made me a little self-conscious of my playstyle (95+ hours, last played in January, Level 48 Nord, many mainline quests unfinished).

I'm interested. Especially after seeing what happens at 1:27 (Asura's Wrath has left me spoiled, but not completely jaded).

You know what I saw on first glance? These.

Maybe he's a Quarian. Otherwise, Amon's mask reminds me a lot of the Guy Fawkes mask too.

I would've been happy if the only things they fixed were the ability to not accidentally neutral jump and the ability to hear stuff.

With SFxT, Capcom is moving neck-and-neck with Bethesda's Skyrim in the competition for "Most Broken Game That Got Brokener When They Tried To Make It Less Brokener, The First Time".

And then of course in Uncharted 3 they introduced the villian El Katherine Marlowe.

This isn't the most radical character design change that Naughty Dog has done midway through developing a game. Check out this picture of Elena (wow, they sure like girl names starting with "EL") from early in Uncharted's development.

Voltron too. You pretty much knew that no matter what had happened up until that point in the fight, the second that Keith commanded "Form Blazing Sword" the battle was another notch in Voltron's giant metal belt area.

Not a remake my friend, but a continuation. 2013 will be made awesome by the coming of the Arrested Development, Season 4.

I never quite understand why people get so up in arms about these things. Consider this: you go to a place that suggests that you buy a pre-owned game for less than the cost of a new one, but refuse to pay so much for a used game, yet when you want someone to buy your used game you won't accept anything less than

It was called "Arcade X" or something like that. And it used to be here. Here: []

It sounds like maybe someone copy-pasted from that games fine print.

Even better that there are multiple, potential candidates. :)

Now playing

There used to be an arcade in the area of Hawaii, on the island of Oahu, in the city of Honolulu, along the street named Keeaumoku, affectionately called by some "Korea-moku". Outside of the arcade was a crane game where you could win your own lobster. Apparently, this is not an entirely new idea. This video is

Does that mean it's 20% less if you take the cash?

I once came across a fan-made cover for No More Heroes that blew the original out of the water.