that just makes me want them to do a jojo’s game even more tbh
that just makes me want them to do a jojo’s game even more tbh
also can we _pleeeeeeease_ get this team/this engine/this whatever magic confluence of everything to make this game, also make a jojo’s game. for the love of god can we get a jojo’s game that looks this good
So, let me leave you comment readers with a happy thought:
This could be the start of a new sort of telephone game. Someone cosplays, someone else illustrates it, a new person cosplays the illustration, a fourth person illustrates the second take, etc. See how much the design changes after 3 or 4 cycles.
Screw AoT. Where’s my Kill la Kill video game? I need me some Satsuki eyebrows and Nonon’s annoying voice.
Scoob, what does the scouter say about his power level?!
almost? I watched it once all chill on the couch... then rewound it and LEANED IN and watched it again... my beard is wet from my tears of joy and excitement!
I did cry
Real world you = Basic and functional, but indestructible.
This is so ridiculous that it feels reactionary, rather than just tone-deaf, to the current discourse... but it’s Capcom so it’s definitely just tone-deaf.
That’s right, I punned the shit out of that headline. S’what they get for leaving me alone for the weekend.