
Please make this a regular feature and maybe consider a video version. I’m hoping maybe some of the State of Survival ad weirdness (like the live-action one that was also turned into a CG one where some woman asks people if they have phones) makes the cut.

The only reason I can see the word “Jerry” being banned is its history as a reference to Germans.

Technically you're supposed to put all of your credit towards those offers...technically.

Braixen hiking up Diamond Head in Hawaii.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned "Ichi the Killer." In the movie he's shown to be a savant at the game and many of his kicks appear to be taken from the arsenal of Kazuya or Lee.

People who have played Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward might have a slighter easier time remembering the color combos. Operative word in that sentence: might.

Did they change Elizabeth's outfit or does she change outfits later in the game (as in a part of the game not depicted in the pictures)? Also, anyone else really curious about the pinky thing in this picture?

Just making sure, this is the "non-euclidean geometry" game, right?

I don't get the Awkward Zombie. Someone please explain.

The robot has a mustache. All arguments are rendered invalid.

I can think of at least one store that's going to need a new staff.

The idea was that a character that shouldn't have crossed the finish line and completed the race has done so which makes the game reset to eliminate the perceived or actual glitch...I guess.

Maybe now we wait for a sequel? I'm cool with looking forward to that.

Fuko Love.

As a kid I had Winston from this series. Being a dumb kid at the time I buried him in the sand while playing at the beach. I couldn't find him, so now I suppose he scares the burrowing crabs somewhere along the shoreline.

This is going to make the Kevin Butler DLC for Little Big Planet Karting feel weird.

Unless they're sequels to games that didn't really need sequels. In those cases they can't seem to stop spitting them out.

I think that's one of the Destructoid folk. That mustache is very familiar.

I loved the original Culdcept on the PS2 and the update on the Xbox 360 was a nice touch of visual flair to an otherwise static game. I would really like to see them bring the 3DS version stateside.

You know what other game would be pretty bad in this respect: Kid Icarus: Uprising. Granted it has three save files, there's still an insane amount of stuff to collect and complete.