
Some constructive criticism, thehunchbackofnotredwayne, since I see you are interested in pursuing a path in sexist trolling: you need to commit (I would suggest you fact-check, too, put that's probably beyond you — Maddie is a staff writer here, just FYI! That is a full-time position, and also a vagina is not

Actually yeah that is sexual assault, so when you mushroom stamp someone make sure they are in your circle of trust...and your swinging range.

Sexual Assault. If they find it funny they won't do anything about it, but sexual assault. You really shouldn't have needed to ask.

Yeah I agree. I mean, of course women in developing countries will agree to be surrogates because they really really need the money, but for wealthier couples to take advantage of that is horrible. There's too much of a weird power dynamic

Please don't compare a serious disability to a preference for eye color or gender.

It is frustrating that it happens in the US too, to surrogates and private adoptions. These situations really do need more attention. I heard a story from a NICU social worker and RN about a young mother who would have aborted but had someone convince her to have the baby. Thet set up a plan to adopt the child

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

I feel like in general, if you become a surrogate it is best to be prepared to honour the parents' wishes should they want to abort due to a catastrophic birth defect.

I so wish I had a picture of this, but I don't.

I am an owner of 10 rad tattoos and one... that is regrettable. I spent my sophomore year of college studying abroad in Denmark. At the end of the semester, my then-best friend (who was doing the same thing - getting drunk and calling it school - in Norway) and I decided to do a food and drink tour of Italy. Lots of

It's a spade because obv I was hardXcore at 17 years old. Used to hang out with a 20-something Juggalo who had the hots for me and maybe/maybe not traded some BJs for beer. He had a 'tattoo artist' friend who owed him a 'favor' (drug money) and was like "omg grl i can hook you up with a free tat ilu." Being a very

Agree! Abortion should be legal so long as the head hasn't emerged during labor. My body, my choice.

it doesn't matter. She has the right to make an informed choice. As long as she has been presented with the risks and is mentally sound NO ONE has the right to cut open her body without consent. Not even to save her life.

Does it matter? Her body, her choice does not stop just because she is in labor. A patient should always have the right to consent or not consent to a medical procedure. I'm firmly in the pro-vax camp but that doesn't appt I this case. An argument with vaxes can be made for the greater good because of the need for

So... it was your first time reading NYMag?

I imagine it played out like this:


We're really going to praise a beauty contestant in a bikini for not hiding her insulin pump? This feels extremely neoliberal and quasi-feminist at best. I mean, good for her for not hiding it, I guess? But it's a freaking beauty pageant. She is being judged on stage in a bikini. We want this to be the inspiration for

Do you know for a fact they aren't childless?