
Actually, I'll be celebrating my 20 year anniversary next month, and I and my partner are twice-a-month folks (on average), and quite satisfied with that. Some people just don't have the sex drive that others do; the problem comes when there's a serious mismatch between sex drives. As long as both partners are GGG

Or it could be because he pesters her EVERY DAMNED DAY and even if you *like* sex with your SO, that shit (the constant harassment part) gets old fast...

I once dated a girl for two years and she always had a reason she didn't want to have sex with me. Then one day she was like "you can't fuck me like I need to be fucked, but you're perfect otherwise". Wait a second, why am I telling this story?

Or maybe he fucking sucks in bed and she's too nice to tell him.

I use mine to make big ice "cubes". But after awhile they crack and have to be discarded.

People born in North, middle and South America and all Americans. What you really mean is a Non-US citizen suing a US company in a US court regarding US law.

This may be the most ignorant/nationalist comment i've seen in any gaming website.

And by the way, you can't use a person as a character in a commercial product without his/her will let alone call him asshole. And that person being a drug baron or the biggest pimp in the industry doesn't change that.

"As a Jew, and as someone who has been raised to always support Israel (which, according to my parents, is my spiritual home, although I have never been)"

Because Israel has stolen their property, occupied their territory, and killed their people. The Palestinians learned the methods and value of terrorist activity from the Irgun.

Are you suggesting that the kidnapping and murder of 3 people justifies bombing an entire country? First, is there any proof that it was done by Palestinians? Second, if it was, so what? Is the entire country equally guilty for the actions of a few people?

I think that it should be clear by this point that the IDF just likes provoking them, then blowing them up for shits and giggles. It's fucked up and immoral.

This is great except for the planting and harvest times, which are not relevant unless you live in the UK. The US has so many different zones that the planting and harvest times here will not match up for most gardeners. (Also, what the hell is "mange tout"?)

Have they considered working from home with Google?

The gif of the kid crying is fucking tragic. The gif of the grown woman crying like a loved one just died is fucking hilarious.

A lot of people think it's adorable. (I am not one of them.) I guess the kids who can't consent to the embarrassing photos can just fuck off because mommee needs attention!

This drives me nuts. Why on earth as a parent would you want your daughter's naked body parts online? It's not cute. Today's day and age there are way too many sicko's out on the internet for this to be "cute and innocent" period.

Honestly I am all for this because I do not believe parents should post nude or semi-nude pictures of their children without their consent. And a 6-month old or 2-year old can't say "Hey Mommy, please don't post my ass on the internet for pageviews."

As awesome as this is she only placed third in the regional fair. What's up with those judges?!?

No worries, people already have.