
I believe it's the interviewee who received a disposable cup and then the onus is on them to see if they throw it out or leave it for someone else to pick up. I think it's a matter of common courtesy. If your head is so far up your ass you think it's someone else's job to pick up after you you're probably a terrible

I was on the internet in 1997, and to be fair, I would've wanted to punch those kids in the face, too.

This is some janky writing right here. The author totally glosses over the fact that an Asexual, a Canadian, and a 9-11 survivor are also targeted here. Although the video plays up racism, homophobia, and religious prejudice, I don't think the creator of the video actually has those prejudices. It looks like some

I think she makes a much more convincing Angelina Jolie than JLaw. :)

Yeah, basically. All scumbag men, regardless of their physical appearance, age, or station in life, think they're entitled a woman who's a 10. I offered to set a friend up with another friend of mine on a blind date because they had very similar interests. He asked to see her picture first and turned the offer down

Let me get this straight: you can drop a baby off at a fire station without filling out any paperwork, and that's fine, but if you try to drop your dog off without filling out paperwork, you're a monster? Yeah, we've got our priorities straight.

If there's so much turbulence on the flight that his laptop goes flying off his tray and hits you on the head you're probably going to die. Just saying.

Why does everyone keep calling Elliot Rodgers "good looking"? I wouldn't fuck him with a ten foot pole, and that's just based on his looks, not taking his personality into account. Also, why does it matter if he was "good looking"? Are his actions somehow better/worse if he's attractive?

I can't believe he got away with that. That sucks! You really do have to be careful because there are some insane people out there. A similar thing happened in SF last year:… It's scary to think that an off-handed remark could incite violence against you by one of

Haha, I did the same thing once in Costa Rica. The guy was about ready to hit me back but other people (males) intervened. He said he didn't grab my ass, and I honestly don't know if it was him or not. I just know that I turned around and punched the first person I saw (in the chest, not the face). Afterwards, the

LOL, right? 'Here's a hollow gesture, enjoy your baby!'

I wish the headline was the worst thing about this article, but I think this quote is, "Stay away from women, they will only cause you pain."

The title is almost as bad as this gem from Kate: "Stay away from women, they will only cause you pain."

LOL "siphoning off some of the wealth of these decrepit assholes"

I just came here to post that same thing. Katie, "the women in [his] life ended up ruining him"? Really? That's very disappointing coming from a female blogger on a feminist website. Nobody made him say racist shit. He did that on his own. Also, nobody made him take a mistress.

Everyone loves Charlie because he's so comfortable in his own skin and doesn't put on any pretenses. Is he illiterate? Yes! But he still thinks the speech he wrote for Dennis sounds good when Dennis reads it back to him. Charlie never once gives a damn about how others perceive him, unlike Dennis, Dee, and Mac,

Rihanna has made so many bad choices in life by now it's clear she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Why are we surprised she lacks self-awareness and empathy?

Nah I don't think anyone remembers it. I think it's something NPR had to do a lot of digging to unearth. Also, anyone who does remember that should hurry up and die already. :)

I'd disagree with that because ultimately nothing is inherently good or bad, it's all about the way we use something. For example, Swastikas aren't inherently racist; they originally started out as symbols of good luck. If in 500 hundred years no one remembers Swastikas as symbols of the Nazi party we'd be better

My grandma was born in 1909, and died in 2009. She was one of those classic little old ladies with some fucked up views on race. She could be very polite to people, but if you asked her what she thought about interracial marriage or even dating outside of your own culture (like German and Italian for instance) she