Drink champagne

Hope is just Luck's dumb cousin. 

You had one job, Covid!

Right then, Redfield knew it was over. Trump showed in that moment that he hadn’t changed at all. The pandemic response wasn’t going to change, either.

It’s obvious she has been fighting for her own dignity privately in vain. The fact that she has to leverage her privacy for her own freedom by publicly talking about the contents of her uterus is so utterly wrong.

Something I also learned after living in Central Texas for a couple of years. Keep spare capacitors on hand for your outdoor condenser/fan unit. They cost about $20-$50 depending on the rating, and are dead simple to replace if your unit suddenly stops running. Good ones are rated for about 5 years, but can often fail

Tearing up a picture of the pope on live TV might not have been the best way to call attention to the church’s various abuses. Then again, it’s only a photograph; it’s not like she physically attacked the pope or called for violence against him or Catholics more generally. People’s obsession with symbols is weird. 

I read the NYT piece yesterday and thought it quite thoughtful and enlightening. Ms O’Connor has been through a lot. I’m glad to see her at peace out the other side of a turbulent life. 

Everyone was mad at her for calling out the catholic church and then it turned out she was right. Don’t think any other problems she has negates that in the slightest

On the contrary. I’m saying it became a ghoulish institution when it was financially expedient for them.

If they die mad, he will lose his titles and no one would hire him or his wife. And he never drew the boundaries. His family did when they denied his initial request, nay, demands, that he be allowed to continue with this royal duties and make money on the side.

But that’s not what he said. He said he never wanted any part of it and has felt this way since his 20's. Yet he fought tooth and nail to be allowed to continue with the family business when he initially announced they were stepping back and wanted to be financially independent and even complained about how he was

In the podcast, Harry says it was his wife who advised him to seek help.. Yet, in a 2017 podcast about mental health, he said it was his brother who advised him to get help.

Terrance Howard is a women-beating asshole (allegedly). I’m not really going anywhere with this, I just wanted to remind people that he is a well documented horrible person, and it has cost him lucrative roles (he was dropped from Marvel after Iron Man 1 for a reason...).

Hey, Liz. You’re lucky they didn’t take you back to a storage room where you’d have an unfortunate “accident”. Stefanik is the perfect replacement...a craven opportunist who see this dysfunctional moment in history to get hers, fate of the country be damned. It’ll be interesting to see when and what she does to incur

Cheney seems to think she is battling Trumpism alone. But Trumpism is the entirety of the Republican Party. Trump is the natural conclusion of the anti-intellectualism and state sponsored fake news ushered in by Bush and her father. McCain and Palin entrenched it. Trump is simply benefiting from the ground work laid

Somewhere Susan Collins is nodding to herself and maybe cringing a little. The range of acceptable behavior has receded to lap on her spineless, equivocating shores. They’ll come for you next, Susan.

I love you.

I audibly LOL’d, which is against the rules!

Marky Mark’s toilet is definitely going to feel the vibration.

There was no time for the officer to have chosen another course such as pulling his baton and disarming the the young women instead before at least one stab if not more. I do believe that officers choose to shoot way to often out of too much fear that has been trained into them. However, in this situation no option