Drink champagne

He’s the chaffeur.

I’m amazed at the low traffic here. This show is very good. It’s a really creative way to tell a very particular story. What a shame that it’s not getting all the attention. I hope people find it eventually. It’s not so much a mystery as a meditation on how very damaged people can find each other and make very bad

I always wonder about these famous guys who have violent events in their past, sometimes things they did decades ago. Do they live in paranoia that their deeds will come to light, or are they so deeply narcissistic that they believe they’re truly untouchable? Maybe neither. Maybe both.

I don’t know how an episode like this, so beautifully arranged and so visually inventive and surprising, with performances so heart-wrenching that kept me worried and skeptical all at the same time... gets a B?

okay i also had to explain to a writer that penultimate didn’t mean ‘most ultimate’, so that’s funny.

She’s still a U.S. citizen

If she gave up the crown, why do we care in the slightest what she has to say?

The only reason British Duchess Meghan Markle possesses a public platform from which to pressure the U.S. Congress is her title of foreign nobility.

The executives and the advertisers (along with the specific voting and union committees) are the ones paying for these award shoes. It’s literally in their interest to keep things as short and on schedule as possible, because financially, the nominees aren’t paying much of anything to be there.

It’s not about not

Nope. Brevity is the soul of wit. Go up. Say thank you. Make a joke maybe. Get the fuck off. Rambling is verboten. 

Some dogs feel the need to piss on every hydrant.

As usual, I get chosen last. Me and the fat kid with the unibrow.

It’s a big get for the LGBTQIA+ community.

If they reverse on COVID, I fully expect that requirement to go too.

If only we could do the same for the cops...

She only wants to spread the joyous gifts of Grandfather Nurgle

It is a damn shame that certain portions of the medical field are particularly susceptible to medical misinformation and conspiracy theories. It’s that dangerous land of knowing more than the general population, but not the next hump of knowing exactly how little you actually know about a field. 

My words exactly.

so no criticism of the freeloader? their unethical, parasitic behavior is a-ok with you? 

Knowing the financial situation of someone renting your property sounds creepy to you?  Sounds like you dont know shit about being a landlord.