Drink champagne

How can you work in the medical field and not get vaccinated against a deadly disease? Do they know something the rest of us don’t know? I mean what the fuck?

You have all my stars. I just spit out a mouth full of wine on my keyboard. And I’m still working from home.

Yes, me too. I’m all about the money.

I always marry for money.

What a fucking asshole to say that. Stay dead Rush.

The one voice I will not miss on the car radio while searching for the weather and traffic reports. I have a very old car.

O is so much taller then Putin.  And he’s giving P the hairy eyeball too. Love it.

I see love. And I don’t blame her. Look at her face. That’s some serious attraction.

And do it just for the pleasure of doing it. 

I had to Google him. Found the song Jacksonville.  Thanks.

Hey there’s three cities named Jacksonville. In Indiana, Georgia and Florida.      That racist Andrew Jackson was a very popular guy.

Her face looks great. Her hair however is styled like my Mom wore her hair in the seventies.  She needs to update the hair. And oh, maybe retire.

Me too. And edited out of life in general. 

I love Publix. Live in North Florida and the people who work at my local Publix here at the beach have been there for years and know everyone.  Always excellent service.  I might not like the price of something but the employees make the store. I love these ladies who brought Bob and Peppy together. Great story.

I was There for a week and just got back. Bring warm clothes and a big thick coat. Bring some Leggins and some ankle boots and plenty of socks. Enjoy. It’s an awesome city.

Yes the pictures, showing her bare chest and brushing her aids hair. Misogynistic bull shit by men because she is a women with power. And it sells too so why not. Not enough to just report the story got to have the pictures. Hope her husbands dick falls off. Lately, I’ve been wanting a lot of dicks to fall off.  I

President? Oh fuck NO. Not baby face boy. Please Dear God NO!

He really looks like a little boy. That haircut! Geez.

Good for you. Middle finger is the best comeback ever. I will never understand this diplomatic immunity thing. Sure it’s OK to murder somebody you got diplomatic immunity my friend. What the fuck?

Makes perfect sense to me. Bet he was sending a threat to his victims, reminding them of the NDS’s. Hope his dick falls off.