Drink champagne

Fucking hell, just LEAVE ALREADY!

Hypocrisy reigns supreme in that world, which is why it needs to die off already. Make the Royals get real jobs, turn all the fucking estates and palaces into public spaces that will continue to bring money to the nation, and otherwise bid adieu to that heinous and outdated institution.

So his wife is as selfish and clueless as he is. What a perfect match.

Yes, me too. I’m all about the money.

Isn’t is just adorable when men who look like actual elephant seals criticize a woman’s appearance?

And Rush has lost his 70 year battle with social progress.

I am similarly reminded of a different quote.  When Kenneth Lay, evil overlord of Enron, died, Henry Rollins quipped:  “Good.  Stay dead, motherfucker.”

He was dogshit, spoke dogshit, and made money off dogshit people. He repeatedly made fun of everyone not fat, white, and him. He routinely vocalized hate of everyone from Dems to Drug Users - until it was actually him and suddenly he wanted to be loved for ‘suffering from an affliction’ - that affliction being jamming

My earliest memory of him is when he repeatedly bullied Chelsea Clinton - who was 12 or 13 at the time - by referring to her as the White House dog. More than once. 

Festering pimple on the ass of the universe and a framer for the assloads of horseshit we have to deal with on a daily basis.

I’m glad to hear lung cancer has won its battle with Rush Limbaugh.

Yah, my usual reply when someone of his ilk dies...

Folks on Twitter putting it better than I could.

In times like these I am always reminded of the famous Bette Davis quote on the passing of Joan Crawford:

I love my husband deeply, but the older I get, the more I empathize with sugar babies and gold diggers. I mean, I just get it as an option, LOL.

He has a bit of that brutish handsomeness that Daniel Craig has, so I agree with you. And he’s age appropriate.

Am I the only one who thinks he's quite handsome?

Even if she did marry this guy for his money, who the fuck cares? It was her choice. Shit, I’ll marry an old-ass billionaire right now. Next order of bidness... write me into that fuckin’ will, yo!

O is so much taller then Putin.  And he’s giving P the hairy eyeball too. Love it.

I see love. And I don’t blame her. Look at her face. That’s some serious attraction.