Two-thirds of the way through The Crown’s fourth season finale, Charles unknowingly echoes his father. Back in “Favou…
Two-thirds of the way through The Crown’s fourth season finale, Charles unknowingly echoes his father. Back in “Favou…
Sunday night’s episode of Westworld was entitled “Genre,” named after a fictional drug that transports the user into…
Her and Coco Chanel. All the cute little bios of her cropping up these days don’t seem to linger over that.
Apparently you’re not a Sufjan Stevens fan...
I wonder if Ms. Seigel would tell her clients that the best way to handle the personal consequences of helping a child rapist regain his status in society is to compare your troubles to systematic subjugation and genocide...
You’re being targeted for what you did, Ms. Siegel. That is enormously different than being…
Yeah, she’s famous for explaining in great detail how plastic surgeons and cosmetic dentists keep her looking so fresh.
Apparently she wants us to perceive that losing professional connections and respect for because she worked for a convicted and unrepentant pedophilia sex trafficking rape arranging rapist, who continued to rape children after finishing the slap on the wrist sentence he received thanks to his powerful friends, is…
Does she have a black eye in that picture?
This from the country that has TWO Kansas City-s. And a Paris in TEXAS!
This was my reaction. I find the outrage to be very second-wave, very white feminist. It’s ok that the boys like women and find them attractive and that this woman inadvertently gave them a show isn’t gross, its a funny accident.
This commercial isn’t great, but I’m not seeing how it’s problematic. It’s tired and unoriginal, but the woman isn’t a passive object, she’s the main character. And she’s not being objectified, she’s accidentally doing something inappropriate in front of children.
It has been brought to my attention that Vancouver and Vancouver Island are not the same place. Canada, what do you have to say for yourself?
The whole dialogue around this thing is pissing me off! Andrew is the real liability/embarrassment here, and people are just dumping on Meghan and Harry.
How are any of these different from melatonin, which i swear by?
Just lock him in the Tower.
Have you heard of Henry VIII?
The FBI has PLANS to investigate her?? They should have started an investigation a long fucking time ago.
What they are not saying is that they are most likely waiting until tRUmp is out of office to announce that they are investigating his role in Epstein’s crimes.
I would like him erased from history* thankyouverymuch!
I want him to be edited out of gov’t.