Yes, I was being a tad reductive above, obviously. I should have included cowardice too. They’re afraid to alienate his obnoxious base, even if it means tolerating the intolerable. Gutless traitors, the whole lot of them.
Yes, I was being a tad reductive above, obviously. I should have included cowardice too. They’re afraid to alienate his obnoxious base, even if it means tolerating the intolerable. Gutless traitors, the whole lot of them.
Power. That is why congressional republicans and the republican establishment supports Trump. At least in public. They are constantly remarking on his the naked emperor’s luxurious outfit. Apparently privately they insult him. I just wish some brave intern or democrat would secretly record them saying shit about Trump…
There are only three reasons why anyone would “support” Trump. One, they’re a gullible mark. Two, there’s a buck to be made by playing along or three, they’re insane. That’s it. No sane rational person could look at that guy and think “what a great leader” and not see a moronic fraudulent con artist, it’s simply not…
He fills it back up with adderall.
Because he’s a moron.
Tic Tacs at work are for people who are trying to cover up coffee breath they don’t have time to deal with. Tic Tacs in the bedroom are for someone who thinks “my toothbrush is 5 feet away, but these mints are good enough,”either because he is a trash panda or because he’s afraid whoever he’s Weinsteining might try to…
He is, however, a professional make SHIT up artist, but doesn’t think he is.
Well, the treasonous nitwit wasn’t always orange. Looks like he started changing color about the early 2000s - when tanning was A Thing and The Apprentice was starting up. If you miss tanning sessions but want to keep that “signature glow” (hork), you need to supplement with makeup. And artificial tanning makes you a…
Vanity yes, taste and good judgement no.
Why wear suits 2 sizes too big or ties 4 inches too long? The man didn’t even know how to properly wear a waistcoat when he met the Queen. The oversized suits “make him look slimmer” and the ties “taller.” I’m sure he believes the orange makes him look healthier. There is literally no rationale to this man’s behavior.…
My MIL always says that she only has one drink in the evening....that gets refreshed 4-5 times with more booze and ice. That’s the way to go!
I totally get when someone does not like Indian food. What I object to is his corollary that since he doesn’t like it; anyone else who says they like it must be lying! WTF?
I absolutely am.
I’m one of the most patient, understanding customers on Earth. I’ve waited tables. I get it if you’re in the weeds, if you forgot to put something in, or even if you or the kitchen gets something wrong.
You can do this!
Black leggings, all day. You can even sleep in them. Lower-heeled ankle boots (grey or black), preferably waterproof. Blondi makes cute ones that aren’t too pricey and are also pretty comfortable without looking geriatric. A couple of knit tunics in neutral colors. Pair of jeans or cords. Turtleneck sweater. A long…
If I need help finding something in a Publix to which I’m new, there’s always somebody nearby who can direct me — or even walk with me — to where I can find that item. It’s super helpful.
In contrast, at Wegmans the only people I can find are at the registers or behind counters for the deli or bakery, and they don’t…
Wrong, as a time traveler from the 12th century, taking a dog to the market was the only way to ward off vicious layabouts and highwaymen!
No, not Peppy the dog (cute), I mean Bob the customer (not so cute). Guys his age can be incredibly lonely. Most men are not nearly as good as women at socializing, and can wind up with no one in their lives. I cut guys like that some slack when it comes to a companion animal, assuming that it is well controlled.…
Take a look at the picture of Bob posted above. I agree with you in general about animals in grocery stores, but I will make an exception for old geezers like Bob that probably don’t have many other companions left in life (having outlived them).