Drink champagne

I noticed how he claimed it was the biggest battle in history, even though it paled in comparison to battles on the Eastern Front like Stalingrad and Kursk.

As we approach the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, we proudly commemorate those heroic and honorable patriots who gave their all for the cause of freedom during some of history’s darkest hours.

I borrowed these from Bored Panda. Had to share them. Thank you U.K. we don’t like him either.

Piers Morgan... Donald Trump...


Don’t go! I’m scared!

See! That’s a much better picture of him.

Nah, he thinks all women who disagree with him or stand up to him are “nasty” (and/or “dogs”). I’m sure he has racist thoughts about her too, but this is his usual misogyny.

I bet this dude was on the Fyre Festival staff.

If this is not the corner of Faux Woke and Male Privilege, I don’t know what is.

Don’t feel too bad, though. Fucker has late-stage syphilis, or FTD, or the effects of Adderall abuse. Take your pick. But the baggy-ass pants he was wearing this weekend, his weird forward lean, his janky gait, his slurred denunciation of “Joe Bidan” are all signs his frontal lobes are swiss cheese. He’ll be in a

By angering and energizing his base and some people in the middle. Getting him more votes than otherwise and or fewer for Democrats. It would also be a waste of time with the make up of the senate.

I am still nervous that the impeachment is going to cost the democrats 2020. Please tell me I am wrong. Can’t we just wait for Trump to be out of office to prosecute?

I’m unclear, but I’m also doubtful this fucker will ever get impeached. It would never pass the Senate anyway, and definitely not with a redacted report.

so like... who in congress can start impeachment proceedings? how does this work? Does it have to be Nancy?

Can’t wait to see his work in dentist offices across America!

Ugh, I never thought I’d say this, but leave Brittney alone

I would hazard people like us are a much larger segment of the population than we’d guess. I’d also hazard that a significant portion of that segment would be women.