Yes! I wish I had been more “mean” back then, instead of just giggling nervously at creepy men and wishing I were elsewhere.
Every man needs to read that response. To a teenage girl, 30 is old as fuck - it would make me deeply uncomfortable when this shit happened when I was the same age.
This. The thought of having someone to share your life with is appealing sometimes because being on your own can get lonely. Then your daughter’s male friend asks to use the bathroom and of course that’s fine but you walk in sometime after and see the seat has been left up and you think to yourself, “Oh, yeah. That’s…
Oh geez. I knew some of these guys when I was in college. Older, sensitive, slightly effeminate guy who just wants to read poetry/drink coffee/play chess/play his music for you/sleep next to you/just make out a little at your dorm room or the room he rents in a “collective” that has a twin mattress on the floor.…
That’s my friend’s own joke about it, too. The only way she’s getting those paintings off the wall, she says, is by death or divorce.
“Until she dies or gets a divorce” lolz
And fact-checkers.
“’As Governor, I’ve pledged to do all I can to protect life,’ [Gov.] Bryant said.”
The babies should pull themselves up by their bootiestraps and stop expecting handouts.
Since they seem to be so invested in passing laws mandating a century-long prison sentence for doctors who perform abortions, why not impose a similar sentence on fathers who fail to pay child support? We’d see a turnaround in legislation fairly quickly, I’d wager.
You are living a Hallmark movie dream. Now you get to open a quaint B&B in a sleepy little town that is harboring a dark secret.
Yes definitely contact UK authorities. If they allowed him to travel and knew he's a dual citizen, then they won't mind your hypervigilance. If they didn't know, now they will.
Yes, contact UK authorities. Traveling to fuck children in poor countries is a real thing.
I’m a long-term expat in Japan in my 30s that teaches tiny children. Last summer, I visited the UK, met a ton of cool people, musicians, etc. and clicked with some interesting people. This included a guy I met via a dating site. Fooled around once, but there wasn’t much to it he was friendly though, and took me…
It worked for me. We’ve been together for almost 32 years. Not a typo, we were broke and fresh out of college, that’s why we were roommates. And our anniversary is in August, so there is something to that instinct, “It’s 90 degrees in this un-air conditioned rathole of an apartment. Let’s hop into bed together and…
I met a super geeky, super shy, super HOT dude when I was 18. We hooked up after a beach party, but after we’d boned he started CRYING. Turns out, he was also super RELIGIOUS. I wasn’t just the first girl he’d had sex with, I was the first girl he kissed. We saw each other off and on all summer, thankfully with no…
Summer before last, I had a fling with my high school boyfriend (we graduated 30 years ago). I was going through a separation and then reconciliation with my then-husband, who was an abusive ass, and the high school boyfriend (going through his own divorce) apparently deduced this from my FB photos. He reached out to…
My roommate and I started sleeping together. DON’T. I blame National Tequila Day.
I spent a summer in London completing an internship for grad school and was in complete “fuck it” mode. I hooked up with a rando Irish dude one night who told me he was also 23. Next morning i found out he was actually 33 and he tried to recruit me to join his cult. A few weeks later he texted me suggesting I should…