Drink champagne

If that’s Coke Bee, I’ll stick to Coke A, thanks.

Bee Barf.

Dare I say, Buzz Cola?

You just gotta hold the button longer and then honey comes out! 

Actually that was just Coke Bee, Coke’s newest drink line.

I was at a resort in the Bahamas and got a soda from an outdoor fountain. Well, not exactly. When I pushed in the lever a bunch of bees flew out. It gave me more respect for the food safety regulations we have.

Come as you are, bro.

I live in the country. It’s real.

Yeah you’re probably right. I hope she punches him in the dick right before he gets served with divorce papers and the restraining order.  And tells the cops he fell down drunk. Like he always does when he’s drunk officer.

That picture is probably 15 years and 2 extra chins old.

His face resembles a punchable potato. 

Is he at his other job as a sniper at a golf course?

I don’t know about you other Jezzies, but things like this have lost their power to surprise me.

Not enough chins, I was expecting something more Jabba-esque.

Odds that he said, “Don’t you know who I am?” when the police arrived?

Can we please just get on with the matriarchy already?

Wow, that picture is exactly how I imagined a Mississippi state rep would look.

Its a memoir of his life as an outdoorsman, “Mein Camp”.

when Lana Del Rey is calling you out on being a rich WASP, you know you’ve fucked up 

HBO was willing to pony up all the money the show needed to made right. The network wanted to finance full length seasons. It was Weiss and Benioff who’d come down with a massive case of senioritis and decided to phone it in so that they could move on to other projects like Confederacy and Star Wars. I thought this