Drink champagne

Political experience isn’t really the issue, it’s the lack of extensive management experience. Governor in particular is a management heavy position. I’d feel way better about her even running for senator or the House. Personal values don’t get you anywhere if you don’t have a good understanding how the government and

If it makes you feel any better I’m jealous.

I’m surprised you’re still with us frankly.

I once ate at McDonalds on Slough high street, and it was possibly one of the darkest moments of my life.

I camped out with a bunch of friends outside of Buckingham Palace for Will & Kate’s wedding, and it truly was SO fun and so festive, everyone’s in such a great mood even when you’re laying on the ground freezing in the middle of the night next to a bunch of strangers. Bummed I couldn’t afford to do it this time

Sometimes the Mail itself realises that there are bigoted lines that it shouldn’t cross. The commenters, not so much. Totally agree with you about how shocking and sad it can be. The Mail attracts some deeply disturbed people

He definitely drew on black preaching conventions. But that’s becoming more common even in traditionally white churches.

They don’t preach like that in Episcopal churches in CA, MI, Louisiana or MS either. LOL This wasn’t your typical Episcopal homily for sure. But I thought it was wonderful.

Groundbreaking sermon for a British royal wedding... very powerful both in content and in symbolism.

Agreed re New England Episcopals being a little more sedate. I did go to a Episcopal summer camp that was pretty celebratory, so it really may be a diocese style.

Finished the Black and British book a couple weeks back. Very enjoyable and added quite a lot of details and insight into my knowledge of British and US racial history, such as the fact one of the causes of the Revolution was the fact landowners were upset that a slavery case in the UK basically outlawed it in the

I had a double mastectomy and reconstruction on Tuesday so I’ve been reading a lot. I just finished An American Marriage by Tayari Jones and I highly recommend it. It was such a compelling read! Now I’m reading Under the Wide and Starry Sky by Nancy Horan. It’s about the love affair between Robert Louis Stevenson and

I’m reading Crazy Rich Asians. I’m only about 200 pages in but it’s pretty good so far. I’m excited to see where it goes.

Yes this is exactly my impression growing up in the Episcopal Church. I can’t handle anything loud or sudden in church lol. It’s almost meditative in its quietness and order for me. Or maybe that’s New England Episcopal lol. This guy isn’t like any episcopal priest I’ve ever heard. But he is like the highest ranking

You’re the sweetest; thank you. Even jinni becomes sick to death of jinni; I cannot imagine how the rest of you feel.

Never stop posting! ;-)

I always think of Episcopal preaching as formal Catholic lite. This was almost Southern Baptist in feel.

I loved how halfway through his sermon he went ‘I know you two want to get married but let me say this real quick...’.