she does look stunning
she does look stunning
That photo of Kitty Spencer looks like something off the cover of a romance novel. She is stunning.
A real billionaire.
It would be nice to know one has next months rent covered, but yeah...
This! I never got why everyone was so upset about Charles philandering when Diana stepped out just as often as far as we can tell. They basically had an open marriage where they hated each other.
Not having to load a dishwasher or go grocery shopping ever again is my guess.
All of this has just convinced me that I never, ever want to marry into a royal family (I mean, not that I ever stood a chance, just to be clear). What the hell could possibly be the payoff for having your dirty laundry aired everywhere?
Is it really fair to call someone a sniveling adulterer when their spouse has over a half dozen affairs of their own, including married men? People need to get off this Diana victimization/Charles demonization kick already.
At the end of the video, Gates notes that Melinda wasn’t keen on the lecherous creep’s attention to their daughter’s appearance. It seems like a throwaway remark, but there’s something brilliantly contemptuous in the tone and timing.
If I had Gates money I’d offer him a couple billion in cash to quit that day just to see if he’d take it.
Shit, so much makes sense now! Donald is cutting foreign aid, because he thinks it’s the same thing as AIDS.
I keep hoping that with an American marrying into the royal family England will accept our apologies agree to take us back, and Trump can go back to being America’s creepy uncle that doesn’t get invited to Thanksgiving anymore.
Man, I can hardly wait for this royal marriage to be over so I can stop hearing about a royal family that isn’t even ours, even if America’s own combo breaker is marrying into it...
Me either, but I like to think my constant wine-drinking makes me an honorary citizen. Years of training.
yes, because water is overrated
I’m not french but this is also pretty much my motto.
Don’t the French drink wine like, constantly? I’m so confused.
No offense to Beyonce but Whitney is the greatest vocalist and performer of all time. She just had such a naturally sweet, perfect voice. Strong when she wanted to be. She could turn a scream into a whisper without losing the listener. She didn’t need any production at all, let alone the kind of production that…