
This is OK for travel, but it is somewhat cumbersome to use. If you can afford it Waterpik stationary flosser does much better job (and it is not super-expensive).

This is OK for travel, but it is somewhat cumbersome to use. If you can afford it Waterpik stationary flosser does

No matter what she does and how she does it, Intuit software sucks BIG TIME. For at least last 15 years.

Yeah, “investing” into your landlord looks like a bright idea. NOT.

I came here to say exactly this 😉

It’s unclear exactly how many people were affected

So, always pay highest price because everyone is going to profit, right? I don’t think so. There is a fair price for everything and this is what you should pay.

Matin Pfeiffer, a nuclear weapons expert and a Ph.D. student in anthropology at the University of New Mexico

With my cats it’s other way round - they are more successful in training me. Though I don’t jump through the hoop (yet).

BCBS plan that was $25 doctor visits until a $7500 copay per family was met. With a family of 4 it wasnt too long typically before DR visits were free

My answer: “I would be a tree which refuses to answer stupid interview question. I hope the interview is over now. Thank you. Good Bye.”

Next step - outsource tax collection to Asia.

TSA-certified drug-air-mule! Way cooler than Uber driver.

Oh, these nuts. I thought of something completely different.

Slippery vertical slope.

What do you want, it is made by “Your Mechanic” :)

Ghostery - nice addition to AdBlock+

What happened to double-plus-good?

This itch is from California, she is supposed to be controlled by high-tech companies and instead we got this? Where all high-tech companies spend their money if not buying politicians?

How does it change anything? There may be other people under a direct threat, why is it only Senator who should be allowed to carry weapon in such circumstances?