Dali Lana Goo-Goo

"Don't let your guinea pigs climb on your head to groom you. Only ill will come of it."

Yup. Still pleasantly stuck in my noggin and I'm not mad one bit.

You may not know it, but you've started something beautiful. :) My morning train ride is going to get real weird (cause I'll be signing the lyrics out loud)and I'll have you to thank for all the empty seats.

Ugh, Alfie. If it wasn't for Susan Sarandon, I would've set every copy of that movie(along with The Lake House) on fire. Fire I tell you!

I'm for Jude in Lemony Snickets.

So I'm going to skip Miley and her feathered, bedazzled nonsense. Kevin Canevari and his teammates are absolutely adorable. I know I'm probably very late on this video, but its nice seeing youths(Schmidt!!) just being happy and not being horrible little urchins. I swear, one of y'all better not try to burst my happy

By the stank look on that furry mug, I'm thinking kitty isn't too pleased with the outfit he's been given. I don't blame him AT ALL.

Such lovely and kind words. It's moments like this that I wish I knew how to do the whole gifs thing. For this comment, you deserve one with cute baby animals eating ice cream and skipping.

Its the little things that make me happy.

I am a bit of a germaphobe, but do a good job keeping it in check. However, if I was at a friend's house for dinner and they happily showed this off as tool used to cook that evening's meal.....? I would smash things. Then after the smashing(and throwing), I would set that blasted thing on fire, all while screaming

Nothing says love like making stir fry for the whole fam, using this wonderful cutting board with drawings of all sorts of cute diseases!! Why yes Timmy, the salmonella corner was absolutely perfect for julienning my carrots.

This seems to be the permanent look I have on my face now. The pup does it cuter.

And the few people in my life that I haven't wanted to set on fire, always wonder why I say that I hate people. This is why. Liz Lemon was right, I may not be the best, but I'm definitely not the worst.

I read Mark McGuire's name as Mark McGrath(dude from Sugar Ray, don't judge that I know this) and boy did I go on a rant. Though you couldn't hear me, I must apologize for the terrible things that I said.

Didn't even occur to me to do that. Thanks for trying to give us all a heads up.

Thank you both!

I read this too late. :(

Umm....not sure if I'm imagining this, but there seems to be some pretty horrible images being posted. Is there a way to flag this?

I may be alone here, but thank you for the BB Mak reminder. I just put a skirt over my jeans and sang the entire song. I have no shame that I still remember every word. Looks like All Saints is up next on my playlist.

Oh yes, sometimes a certain book will keep guys that want to hit on you away. My go to is a book about serial killers that says as much on the front cover. If I'm riding the train and I get the "I'm totally going to talk to you even though you are ignoring me" vibe from a guy, I pull that puppy out with the