
Thing is, I never saw him or Winston as NFL caliber QBs.  Both had major flaws in reading how plays diagnose in real-time, and could be inconsistent throwing the football to boot.  This limited both guys upside, as they would alternate between good and bad stretches of football.  They are, simply put, mediocre NFL QBs

Ok LeBron, we get it.

The official was wrong, because the player was an asshole. The official realized the player’s assholery made him wrong. So he called him out. The system works!

The headline could be better. My first thought after reading it was that this transgender person was made fun of in Chappelle’s special and later killed themselves- not that her and Chappelle were friends...

In general, I’m not in favor of make up calls because most applications of them will leave the ump’s fingerprint on the game, even if just subtly.

Yeah, no. The ump made the call here because Sanchez’s acting made him think it was a foul ball. This is absolutely how it is supposed to work. Sanchez is an idiot for thinking he’d get any calls the rest of that at bat after that bullshit.

“It’s not that I sucked, and I did suck, its that every QB also sucked in a very particular way that worked with how I sucked such that I lead the conference in interceptions.” Fucking brilliant.


These spineless politicians are doing the exact same thing 45 did regarding NFL players kneeling.

Sad. I guess being dead for 400 years really changes a person.

Well, it works if you consider small ball getting as few hits and runs as possible.

Always liked Kibler now he's got my respect

Kibler is a class act.


Seems like an extremely odd reason to criticize someone that Did The Right Thing, but I suppose you’re entitled to be a bitter dick anyway.

What does that have to do with anything? 

“I will not be a smiling face on camera that tacitly endorses this decision.”

I really like the way he put this. 

5 minutes from the blog being posted to victim blaming, solid work

Thanks for your useless reply then

Who is saying Blizzard “doesn’t have the right”? Where are the people you are supposedly arguing against? I scrolled way down past a dozen other comment threads to find one person who even used the words “free” and “speech” kind of near each other, and they’re not making the point you’re arguing against. Don’t be the