
Doesn’t it drive you crazy that there are gamers out there so irritating that it forces you to do something so dirty like agreeing with EA on anything?

I can’t believe im siding with....EA...

“It’s got the shitty atmosphere of boxing except they don’t have the mitigating factor of repeated blows to the face...” is the best line I’ve seen all month.
This is so beautifully put. Bravo!

Thankfully, I’d never heard of this guy before, but it seems to me that he’s a miserable piece of shit and he got what he deserved, Good riddance, garbage boi.

FIFA sure has some issues when it comes to its pros and personalities.

To be honest, I’m okay with the PDK being added as an option

8 speeds in the PDK vs 6, so surely 2nd gear isn’t so long.

From a performance standpoint, this is Porsche NOT limiting the platform to the slower transmission.

Meh. I think it’s ok so long as it’s not mandatory.

You can never be in before them. They’re the fastest.


I’ve seen the official title to the car that states it was sold to the dealer on 11/15, and the 11/18 date of the audit came from Tesla themselves. It does not appear the dealer is lying about this.

Oh sure. None of us have ever been on a back road with no houses and thick tree cover before. Come off it, man. If you use a light bar responsibly, fine, but don’t claim you got a special kind of dark in your part of the country. My HIDs light up any road just fine whether I’m driving past a farm or a mcdonalds. Your

You’ve actually managed to sway my rock-solid car paint opinions by proving that not every Gulf livery or plain carbon fiber body has to look like a terrible edgelord is behind the wheel.

Dude “hijacked” a monitor that wasn’t his and yet you came off as the bigger dickhead here. That’s something, man. Congrats.

Yah, you the weirdo man.  Take the stick out

You’re not a weirdo, you’re just taking this person doing something innocuous very personally for some reason.

Well, you’re using Kotaku’s comment system to be an ass clown, so you should be able to relate.

“Cool, let’s just let everyone decide for themselves how property that doesn’t belong to them should be used”

That monitor wasn’t being used for anything of value and he complied with their request for him to stop. Total dick move