You are so cool and you're not much older then me! Happy birthday!
You are so cool and you're not much older then me! Happy birthday!
I am laughing so hard at your comment right now!
I actually got really scared when that happened to me because I was completely caught off guard. It was literally a surge to the front and I started to get panicky. I also got my record broken by some idiot throwing elbows at me for bumping into him when everyone rushed forward, but that was partly my fault for buying…
It actually blends really well! I know a lot of people use kale in their green smoothies, but it makes your smoothie taste bitter and "green". If you add fruit to it, it should mask any slight grassy tastes that leafy greens can give a smoothie or juice. I know someone who adds chai seeds to her green smoothies! I…
I hate it when people do that. I went to go see the Black Lips at some little venue near me and the group of people I went with waited at the front of the stage through all of the opening acts and stood in a square so we wouldn't all hog the front. However, as soon as the Black Lips come on the crowd immediately…
Those fluffy teddy bear paws slay me
I'm really glad that they have worked out a way to make it harder for trolls to infiltrate. There will always be that person who just wants to do nothing but spout off negative bullshit and slip between the cracks, but it's really irritating when there are comments that are either spam bots or porn or the goddamn…
I know UK sizes are usually the same number but are actually a size bigger. I have a pair of Doc Marten's in a 7 and they're actually a US size 8.
My mom got pregnant unexpectedly at 42. My sister was going into her junior year of high school and I was going off to college. She took both of us leaving for college very hard and has joked that she's glad she'll probably die before having and empty house. I think it's something that she thinks about, but my step…
Have you tried NuvaRing? I discussed IUDs with my doctor and she said she would feel more comfortable with me trying out other, non-permanent forms first since I had never been on any kind of birth control before. The NuvaRing was great for me. I put it in, left it in for 4 weeks, then changed it out for a new one. I…
Seriously, the hardest part is actually starting to do it. After that it's pretty easy and fun to do. Then the hardest part is sticking with the routine of going however many days you want to do. I was going everyday for half an hour to 45 minutes for a few weeks and then I got sick with one of those never ending head…
Michael Ian Black fan, are you?
Brain tumors are nothing to screw around about. Find a way to suggest getting a second opinion. I was friends with a woman who ended up dying from brain cancer after thinking she kicked it's ass twice, and my step dad's friend had a brain tumor and made a complete recovery. One doctor might not feel comfortable with a…
you can get to groupthink by going to the bottom of the page and click about and it will list the entire group of forums, like groupthink, comment of the day, and so on.
I crochet, but I really want to learn how to knit so I can make myself some socks. That is really the only reason. You can crochet socks, too, but the ones I have seen don't look as nice as knit socks. Is there a way I can teach myself to knit by making socks or is it too complex of a project to start out learning?
I have been looking for nice leather collars for my dogs for ages. They are either not in colors I want or not in a nice shape, or cheap, plasticy, feeling leather for too high a price.
I wish my school contacted authorities for a couple of girls who I went to school with. I felt so terrible for them because they were obviously super dirty, but said that their father had extreme allergies to soap and other hygienic products. So they came to school with dirty hair, dirty clothes, greasy faces and…
I AM SO GLAD YOU SHOWED ME THIS. I have a bunch of his spoken word/stand up stuff and love it to death. Now I can listen to something new all the time!
I'm jealous of them both for their equally cool interactions with each other but extremely sad that they did not invite me to come along. I really want to hear Henry's take on this because I'm sure it's just him shouting and imitations of his brain exploding on how what a cool day he had with Ru and how awesomely…
I laughed so hard at number 5. My aunt and uncle had gotten an English Bulldog when they were still dating and then years later, got married and work moved them to Georgia. Let it be known that they treated their dog like a child and brought her everywhere with them (even after they had kids. They are really awesome…