
I hated it that they made Bones see the ghost, because when she's urging Booth to go to the doctor to get his head checked, she says "You saw Stewie and then you saw the ghost of the boy you fought with in the war, you need to see a doctor, Booth just trust me!" but SHE SAW THE GHOST, TOO.

SAME! I remember saying "macabre" in front of my parents, but said "macaber" instead of "ma-cob" and they died laughing. I'm sure there are others, although I can't remember. I wish I remembered what spooky piece of literature I was reading as a young adolescent that made me decide to find a way to place "macabre" in

It's a vampire thing. According to the books, it's very common for makers and their children to have a sexual relationship, at least at first. Pam has been known to be into ladies and Tara had her lesbian moment as a human, though that doesn't mean much because vampires tastes can change from their human ones. I was a

I saw her today and she looks really good, even though I know outword appearance doesn't really mean a whole lot. She seemed really well though. She had a therapy session today in the woods and they did some meditation and she said it was so weird because the squirrels kept getting closer and closer. She said "I

Thank you so much for your advice and well wishing. I think my sister feels really guilty that she won't be around a whole lot to help support her friend who is sick and her friends who are going to be around all the time because of school. I can't help but feel like my sister's friend is really lucky to have so much

My boyfriend and I have lived together for the past 2 and half years or so and our deal has been that I pay the utilities and groceries and he pays the rent/mortgage. It's worked out well for us and if one of us is short, there's never been an issue for helping out a little extra when it's needed. You guys are

That's how I like it, too! I never understood mixing it with anything, especially something sweet. My dad will only eat it with jelly or jam mixed in.

tons of pepper and straight out of the container.

Romance has always hit me when I least expected it. When I wanted it the most it never came, and when I was out at a show or a bar or something just hanging out with friends and having fun, not worrying about attracting someone is when someone approached me.

I called my sister the other day to see if the birthday gifts I ordered for her arrived ok and she says "Yeah, sorry I didn't call, I've just been really busy. Have you talked to mom lately?" in a way that immediately makes me take a sudden intake of breathe and my stomach drop. So I'm freaking out thinking that it's

I'm laughing so hard right now! He played KISS?!

No problem!

I am laughing so hard right now

email or post the link to the article on this forum

I know, right?! Her face looks like a Vulpix! I watched the video because I wondered if her praying was the same as the praying my boyfriend's parents toy poodle prays, but she prays a lot better. He just puts his dainty paws on your arm minus the face burying that is so adorable.

I came to say the exact same thing (without the exact percentage). Plus, I feel like it's something Dr. Drew repeated ad nauseum on the reunion shows.

My mom cries at the funeral scene every time. Even if you turn it on right at that scene. Even though we've both seen it about a million and two times each, she still cries. She also cried at Mrs. Doubtfire, though so she's pretty emotional and empathetic.

I don't know, but I'm glad she was.

I had this exact conversation with my friend. More about Carey Mulligan than Leo, though. Mia Farrow captured the very essence of Daisy, and I have very low expectations that Carey will be able to do it half as well.

I recommend it also! I got it the day I got my cat because my boyfriend and I are mildly allergic and I thought the less fur flying around the better. It works really well, and it works awesome on my terrier mutt who has hair you have to pluck. It strips the undercoat that gets trapped under the top coat. It'll look