
A lot of them are horrible Dr. Oz tips, I noticed.

Don't feel bad. I trudged through about 1/3 of it and stopped. I primarily read in bed, right before going to bed at night and it was so hard to try and keep all the characters straight and stay focused to process what was going on. I've yet to pick it back up.

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers do it. It's one of their traits. When they get embarrassed, guilty, excited, pleased, proud, they smile with their teeth. Many other dogs do it for the same reasons and can be taught to do it on command. It's not paired with other body language.

I was swooning over the fact he was spotted at a Starbucks near my house yesterday.

Did he wear a short sleeved oxford with a bolo tie, too? Because that is what I'm envisioning.

I just found out that an amazing woman I used to work with passed away. I don't know when or how, but she had been struggling with cancer for a while. I went in to the store we used to work at a few months ago and she was having some medical issues then and was off. I feel so terrible for her husband and so sad that

I just finished reading The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant and it was heartbreaking. It's one of those things where the information is super interesting and once you picked it up you couldn't put it down. However, it was really hard to pick it up because it was just so sad. A lot of the dogs had really great outcomes, and

I wash way less then I should (only a few times a year), but I throw them in the dryer about once a week to get the dog hair off of them. Hopefully that at least sanitizes them?

I had come across a website that listed all of the free books that Amazon provides for free, and I found one that sounded interesting and went to look at the reviews. One of the reviews was this "I gave it 4 out of 5stars because the stories, although they were good were all based in Canada. I was not expecting that."

I would like to be her friend, too. I would love it if she invited me to take care of her rescue dog ranch while she was touring. It would make my dreams come true if she asked me to be her home conservator while she was away. It has always been my dream to have enough money where I could buy a ranch and save all the

He's even more charming and endearing in real life. I saw them in Grand Rapids, Mi and met him after the show, where he signed my ticket stub. I told him my name (which is Chelsea) he said, "Oh, like the hotel!" and wrote something about how he hoped I'd have a better fate, and then apologized for his sense of humor.

I used to wear sketchers and vans platform sneakers. The only stories I have about them are really gross. We used to have this kid who went to my school who would get laughs by eating things. Any things. Woodchips, the class hamster's food, pencil lead, etc. I once dared him to eat the dog poop off of my shoe and he

Probably not enough to make losing your job and any licensing that may correspond to said job worth it.

Not always. My dad got custody of my sister and I, my mother had to pay child support (although she didn't). I don't know what the deal was in legal terms, but we saw our mother ever weekend and however much we wanted when things like school didn't get in the way. My mom was also fairly responsible on paper in the

I'm glad he apologized. I've shot back at men who have said vulgar things to me a few times, and all they've done is laugh and walk away. It doesn't really make me feel any better either, but I hope they remember me the next time they think about spouting off at the mouth some horrible shit to another woman.

I was verbally harassed on Saturday evening at a family event in my city. I was standing with a friend waiting for my boyfriend and two guys walked up saying disgusting, vulgar things. I was already irritated and short tempered because there were a lot more people at the event than I had thought there would be and it

I wish there were more parents like you. I have a dog with medical issues that make him nervous and he has a very short amount of patience when he doesn't feel safe and secure. He's very good about giving warning that he doesn't feel comfortable and to leave him alone, but children overlook those warnings. I have

I have an old ornery dog that is nervous around children. The cause of his ornery-ness are due to medical issues and blindness (which, I to is also due to a medical issue). I wish more people asked where it would be ok to pet him. He isn't aggressive, he just likes to be able to know what you're going to do to him and

I definitely recommend Urban Decay's primers. I use their pore perfecting primer all over my face, even on the eyes and it does an amazing job. I helps my makeup become one with my skin. It doesn't necessarily sink in and clog pores, but it doesn't wipe off either. It's super awesome stuff.

Get a pomade/wax. I use Crew brand, which is kind of expensive, but it lasts forever. I prefer this one because it doesn't have a smell and isn't too sticky and doesn't leave a whole lot of residue on your hair. I rub it in my fingertips and start on the back of my head and work forward. It helps show texture in your