
"Prevalence Up, Reporting Down." Other way around, no?

A little googling indicates that Americans average about 12 ounces of meat per day. Recommended 2-3 servings of 2-3 oz puts a suggested rate of 4-9 ounces a day.

"Everybody has a reason for being the way they are. Ward has his. Whether or not she can reconcile that with his actions, that's the question. Right now, it feels like she can't." But someday, she'll be able to feel sorry for the poor widdle murderer?

"She had a bomber and a deadline and a huge agency and who did she put in charge of finding stuff out? A guy she found on a boat." Priorities: finding and disarming a bomb is less important than making her prisoner feel guilty so he's more pliable to her brainwashing. And why is Ollie her prisoner? Because he

The stylites didn't come down off the pillars at all? I hope the seat part of the pillar had a hole in it...

I'm not so sure about that. New Hampshire seems to grow a lot of libertarians.

"He's just completely boggled by seeing the Flash." — Yes! A Diggle boggle!

Grothman should stop sucking on the government teat and get a real job...

You have a lightsaber with a guard; the opponent slides down the length and chops off the guard; you have a lightsaber without a guard — which is how they're normally made. So how are you any worse off with a guard?

Something about this nay-saying doesn't feel right. I bet they're just doing it for attention. Click baiters.

The government has an important role in funding basic research. Private industry is better suited for investing in research in technology — applying the results of basic research in order to solve specific problems.

My somewhat outdated Betty Crocker cookbook has a recipe for Cincinnati chili, which is to take the chili recipe and put it on top of spaghetti. I couldn't figure out why you wouldn't just make spaghetti sauce.

Who's to say Lammily can't be an action figure instead of a doll?

Most of the production/writing staff is from Leverage, too.

Is she classified as a superhero? She started out as a villain, didn't she?

Over the course of the stories, Harry actually lifts a few fingers — he doesn't just sit back and collect tribute, but goes out and does stuff. He's treated as a predestined hero, he actually does some heroic things, but it turns out there's some ambiguity about that predestination thing. I think this is an example

Yes. It's better to anticipate problems than to pretend they won't happen, and it's better to have a response to setbacks instead of passively accepting whatever happens.

My dream house will have in-floor radiant heating, and I will have to step around the kitty puddles on the floor.

On this week's episode of "Stalking Is Soooo Romantic" ... Ollie, Felicity and Thea all have people vying for their favor in inappropriate ways.

"who's planning a naughty weekend with a paramour" — as one does, when one's crazy super agent brother with a grudge escapes from custody. At least, one does when one is an entitled asshole with a disproportionate sense of invulnerability.