Even if these workers got better jobs, someone would still need to do the jobs they left behind, so it’s not like the problems just go away.
Even if these workers got better jobs, someone would still need to do the jobs they left behind, so it’s not like the problems just go away.
You have to be born with that range, and then you need the training to use it.
I’m the DM for the in-person game, so it’s harder for me to judge. Everyone has a laptop or a tablet; there were some technical issues getting things to display properly. There was a whole session where I and some player’s couldn’t see a particular player’s token. But we’ve gotten past that now. Chrome seems to work…
You can bring up your character sheet in a separate browser window, so the primary window has the map and the sidebar. The sidebar has tabs for chat and handouts, primarily. You can choose to use their initiative tracking tool, which is a resizable box in the map area; it can be dismissed out of combat.
I have one in-person game and one remote game, both on Roll20. You can create your own maps, either by uploading artwork or drawing free hand. Nothing in the platform enforces any kind of story elements; it’s just the mechanics.
Marni Nixon was credited on the soundtrack album for Mary Poppins, which I played repeatedly as a child. I hope she got royalties.
I live in a small city, where I take voice lessons from a classical teacher. We have a handful of people who perform group pieces, in addition to arias. You don’t have to be professional quality to have a satisfying experience. Even if you don’t get back to where you were, you’ll still get to sing.
Wait, “in a while”? What about Chi Chi last week?
“they thought the taser was a gun, despite the bright yellow strip along the taser’s side that differentiates it”— the eyes are not a camera. Your brain constructs what you “see.” People who expect to see a gun, their brains will probably show them a gun. So preconceptions can be literally dangerous.
I was thinking if they weren’t boys, he’d make her do it all over again until she got it right.
Kinda hoping he goes blind now. Problem solved!
But just because they’re making you have an ultrasound, that doesn’t mean they’re going to pay for it.
The flight attendant should have asked Mr. I Need Quiet to switch seats with your sister.
Republicans congratulate HHS on identifying a new revenue stream, which will allow them to provide further tax cuts to billionaires.
Yet the franchise sells merchandise featuring the cheerleaders. I think cheerleaders should get a percentage of that revenue.
This is not the sort of case that the traditional legal system is well-equipped to handle. And I’m not sure how you can make things significantly better without nerfing standards of proof and presumption of innocence, which I am reluctant to mess with. But perhaps someone in the legal profession has more insight.
Side note: Yay, journalism!
I’m voting for Bernie because I want him to have delegates going into the primary. Whatever happens with the election, I want him to have some leverage over the platform.
FYI, the reason the contestants are legit is that when they were casting for Season 3, Tom Colicchio put the arm on a bunch of chefs to corral the kind of talent he wanted for the show. I so wish that Project Runway had someone with similar industry cred to get, if not legit designers, then legit up-and-comers to…
What makes you think I couldn’t possibly have been a freshman in 1982?