
It felt like every Trump gaffe, all 11,0000 of them, barely moved the needle, while any time Clinton stumbled a little bit, it was a huge swing in Trump’s direction. Almost as if voters just needed a reason, any reason, not to vote for her.


Mike Cernovich is a prime example of what happens when a guy who never got laid in high school starts thinking that the problem is the rest of the world, not himself.

Replace “Scientologist” with “Muslim”, reread the piece and determine if it still sounds reasonable, especially if your argument relies, out of hand, on dismissing a #NotAllMuslims argument. Either judge the person as an individual, or don’t, but don’t cherry pick. I don’t find Scientology to be compelling and their

It helps that France’s Presidential election is decided straight up by a popular vote without this electoral college tomfoolery. 

Like Marine le Pen, Ivanka is just a better packaged version of her father. Don’t doubt for a moment than she’s the same damn thing.

The Leader of the Free World doesn’t have to dress for other people.

“As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.”

This has to be the weirdest Administration in the history of the world. Some are crypto-Nazis, and some are Jews. Some are Hawks, some are warrior-philosophers who have an aversion to war. Some are Republican but some used to be faithful Democrats. In the end, most are multi-millionaires and billionaires and Generals.

My favorite part of that Samantha Bee segment is when she pointed out that he doesn’t speak Arabic, and then:

Watching Trump’s presidency is like watching an after school special about the dangers of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

4. The Media who is desperate to normalize this behavior.

In this political era, there seem to be three types of people

It’s alzheimer’s...I am dead serious...he sounds 100% like my father...telling the same exact stories, using the same words, not making a lick of sense...add in the anger and you’ve got a dead ringer for what I saw every day years with him...

I don’t think he’s a lunatic. But he does sound like someone who is starting to deal with dementia. His comments never, ever seem to form into anything that could be construed as coherent in any way.

Still convinced he abuses prescription amphetamines. I feel like he’d see himself as too sophisticated for coke but could easily convince himself some uppers from a doctor are a-ok.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

Ikr? I’m fine with is liberal positions, but I take issue with Bernie personally. He’s no Elizabeth Warren, that’s for damn sure.