
He also knew about the Russia/Trump investigation and left it up to Congressional leaders (GOP) to decide whether to reveal it to the public.

Disappointingly Diplomatic Obama is the only Obama there’s ever been. I like the guy and he was a decent prez I voted for twice, but Jesus CHRIST I am disappointed with how he spent so much time trying to appease people who hated his guts by selling out supposed liberal positions before negotiations even started.

You appear to have liked him well enough yourself, Tavarishch Brezhnev. Anywhoo, Kissinger has mostly just outlived his detractors.

HE approached ME. And let that be known.

“after a foreign policy lecture I had given

Looking at his legislative history, I decided that he’s just another cranky old white guy and nothing he has done has dissuaded me from that conclusion.

Barney Frank once said that Bernie alienates his natural allies, and every action since March or so when the writing was on the wall has illustrated that. There’s a reason why so few of his fellow congressmen supported his campaign - he was not particularly well-liked by his coworkers, and that’s putting it mildly.

As for Ossoff, Flores said, the candidate “has not taken a definitive stance on some progressive issues” including advocating a single-payer universal health care system, or raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour, and believes that “may be part of the problem for Senator Sanders.”

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run. He has been harmful not helpful to the party and the DNC needs to stop acting like making overtures to him accomplishes anything. All of this is just about Sanders’ ego.

“on one issue”

I long for the days when the biggest republican scandals involved low down dicking and being in the closet. No Russian or treason.

But he has proven that he hates black people real good, so I guess he has been embraced as a conservative hero.

How do you think Harris looks for prez in 2020?? She’d be at the same point Obama was in his Senate career...

Unlike other celebrity presidents, at least Matt Damon has advocated for basic human rights and is probably smarter than Reagan and Trump put together.

Progressives will eventually learn that the Democratic Party is an inept political machine that does nothing to represent our interests. And we’ll go through the same internal civil war the Republican Party just went through, with Sanderistas giving stiff primary challenges to establishment Democrats, maybe even

This makes me miss Boxer even more...

The thing about the dancers was they were dancers who had danced with her on her previous tour and it seemed more like she wanted to keep working with them on her next tour than some crazy plot to ruin Taylor’s tour. And the dancers ended up saying that they liked Taylor fine but Katy was like family.

David Mandel was interviewed on Pod Save America. It was interesting. Would recommend.

Nick Jonas, aka, the gay-baitingest gay-baiter to ever bait gays.

This is the second trailer that I’ve seen for this movie and all it’s doing is making me question Charlie Hunnam’s judgement on projects.